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Ofp campers

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waste of bandwidth, sorry usually I'm not this harsh and critical of something but this was just lame.

I feel like I'm being forced to stay at a gay bar with that music, try something thats not ABBA wannabe. As much as I like watching other peoples 733t phr@g$ (note sarcasm) I have better things to do like recieve a butterscotch enema or use a sander on the tip of my penis.

Get the hint, OFP is not CS, UT2003 or Q3, it is sim based. In real life people such as snipers, machine gunners and real human beings so call "camp". Jumping around and being a rambo does not work in the real world and I'm glad it doesn't in ofp either. If you still insist on killing "campers" then don't run at them, throw a grenade or use a law on the building he is "camping" in, otherwise stop playing ofp.

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You really think the 'corner glitch' is a 'glitch?'

Clearly nobody who thinks that has ever done FIBUA (Fighting In Built Up Areas).

Stealth room clearing is done by 'piecing the pie', using the edge of your eye and the edge of your weapon to look incrementally around corners. Anybody who sees you coming around a corner while piecing the pie (if you're doing it right) in real life has probably got the ability to see through walls, and a sixth sense. Pursuant to that, I see nothing wrong with that 'glitch'. I'd personally say that it's much more realistic than exposing parts of your body when going around or firing/peeking around corners. In the military, there's a word for people who do that, it's 'dead'. In gamer lingo, since most game models expose parts of the body no soldier ever would when rounding corners by default, people who do that are normal. . . go figure.

I think discussions like this really clear up the question of which OFP players are soldiers (or would like to be) and thus like the sim aspect, and which are just gamers, and thus have issues about 'camping'. (what a pointless term/concept  ) crazy_o.gif

When I was in training, *everything* I was trained to do as an infantry soldier (with very few notable exceptions, and even then, the exceptions are usually done very *carefully*), would be described by gamers as 'camping'. IE; 'camping' is how it's done in real life. the only exceptions are when you're assaulting, and then there are strict methods as to how. In reality, a Sniper is a professional 'camper'.

If you're playing OFP, and you don't like 'campers', I agree with Blink; get over it and go play CS.

As for those who don't. . .   hehe. . . as a 'camper', I hope that if there's ever a war and I have to fight, that all the 'rambos' are on the other side. . .     easy victory.

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You really think the 'corner glitch' is a 'glitch?'

Clearly nobody who thinks that has ever done FIBUA (Fighting In Built Up Areas).

Stealth room clearing is done by 'piecing the pie', using the edge of your eye and the edge of your weapon to look incrementally around corners. Anybody who sees you coming around a corner while piecing the pie (if you're doing it right) in real life has probably got the ability to see through walls, and a sixth sense. Pursuant to that, I see nothing wrong with that 'glitch'. I'd personally say that it's much more realistic than exposing parts of your body when going around or firing/peeking around corners. In the military, there's a word for people who do that, it's 'dead'. In gamer lingo, since most game models expose parts of the body no soldier ever would when rounding corners by default, people who do that are normal. . . go figure.

I think discussions like this really clear up the question of which OFP players are soldiers (or would like to be) and thus like the sim aspect, and which are just gamers, and thus have issues about 'camping'. (what a pointless term/concept  ) crazy_o.gif

When I was in training, *everything* I was trained to do as an infantry soldier (with very few notable exceptions, and even then, the exceptions are usually done very *carefully*), would be described by gamers as 'camping'. IE; 'camping' is how it's done in real life. the only exceptions are when you're assaulting, and then there are strict methods as to how. In reality, a Sniper is a professional 'camper'.

If you're playing OFP, and you don't like 'campers', I agree with Blink; get over it and go play CS.

As for those who don't. . .   hehe. . . as a 'camper', I hope that if there's ever a war and I have to fight, that all the 'rambos' are on the other side. . .     easy victory.

couldnt agreed more,

one of the reason i hate most of the match type gameplay is because the roles of different players was screwed up, while coop gives you a actural roles for the player,or though there is weapon selection but most of the time i would make sure there is atless 1 people playing supporting roles like medic or MG gunners(medic most of the time).

may be i am wired but i really like the feeling when i pin down enemys for my fellows to make a better shot or rushing to a wonded fellow and heal them.

DOD, AA, is also a bit better but they are base on close combat, thats makes OFP so different as it is the only open terrain tact shooting game around the world now a days(and thats y soldner cant get any closer to OFP biggrin_o.gif )

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Using a house window, lying in a bush etc thats all fine and good. smile_o.gif

Using this however is taking advantage of a glitch (corner camping as its come to be known) :

What my scope see's:


How my body is actually adjacent to the corner:


Full exploitation of the glitch:


What you see through the scope:


The term "going rambo" is to forsake the use of this glitch in gameplay. smile_o.gif

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Cmon guys don't be so anal about CS vs. OFP and how OFP "should" be played etc. smile_o.gif

There is room for everybody's kind of gameplay, myself I love coop as well as adrenaline soaken PvP of all kinds.

I personally don't like CQB in OFP, I admit I suck at it and I hate it when we have to play CQB maps in league matches.

But whoever says coop beats PvP in terms of realism, support roles etc. has obviously never played a modern, well designed league map. No G36 for everybody, no unlimited AT the list goes on.

However rest assured that #DK# are even better in large scale battles including armour etc. than what you've seen in this video...BUT WE WILL BEAT YOU SOONER OR LATER YOU'LL SEE!!

*laughs hysterically then breaks into tears*   crazy_o.gif

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Cmon guys don't be so anal about CS vs. OFP and how OFP "should" be played etc. smile_o.gif

There is room for everybody's kind of gameplay, myself I love coop as well as adrenaline soaken PvP of all kinds.

I personally don't like CQB in OFP, I admit I suck at it and I hate it when we have to play CQB maps in league matches.

But whoever says coop beats PvP in terms of realism, support roles etc. has obviously never played a modern, well designed league map. No G36 for everybody, no unlimited AT the list goes on.

However rest assured that #DK# are even better in large scale battles including armour etc. than what you've seen in this video...BUT WE WILL BEAT YOU SOONER OR LATER YOU'LL SEE!!

*laughs hysterically then breaks into tears*   crazy_o.gif

loool shirke, cant wait to play you guys in the ecl tourney final wink_o.gif

Pitty you aint joining up for this seasons wg's tho sad_o.gif

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go play CS?

it shocks that you would even consider me as an CS player.

I started of as a Coop guy, played with toons of addons and had lots of fun, just like you guys do

But i found it to be more fun in MP, now if you can´t respect that then fine. but dont tell me that i should go back and play something bad as CS.

i´ve played this gamer since the awsome Demo came out. and i will continue doing it

This movie was aimed at the "Right Rule" and the "Right Rule" only. Defenders are a completely differend matter which play in a style that doesent suit mine.     fine thats my problem not theirs. its me that have to addapt.

I am sick and tired of ppl caling me a CS or UT or whatever player.  I come from a player like yourself belive it or not. and i have played this game as long or in some cases longer than you.

respect my way of playing. bc i am respecting yours

OFPs is a game of freedom, thats why we love it

sry i had to make this post. but i think it was nesesary

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well you are right Shrike, what can be said, i really didnt mean to bug ppl up for which one is better, as somethings good or not is mainly depend on personal, and it is not that i really hates other PvP to death as i sometimes i play PvP too(i only said i hate most of them, you know, the old, greendy one wink_o.gif and yes i hate corner camping)

its just that there is still too few "modern, well designed league map" i can touch, i mean come on, with a overseas ping of 300 something, i dull you can b4 getting kick by that same old stupid reason crazy_o.gif  

(and face it, not many ppl likes these maps, just like coop)

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