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Sgt. Stryker

Bis face addon

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I remember a long while ago i dloaded someting that had all the ofp faces in one zip file. I was wonderinf if anyone knew where it went. I saw somwthing that might be it at ofpec but it wouldnt let me dload it at all. Anyways if anyone has it or knows where to get it please tell me.

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Stryker tell me the link of that stuff on ofpec I'll try to download it and then post it here rock.gif

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How about some more variety? biggrin_o.gif

More African-Americans, more Hispanics, more Asians, more of the stuff that was left out at first?

I mean, it's kind of hard to represent the modern US army with only 3 African-American faces in standard OFP.  tounge_o.gif

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i would also like this,

i want to make a customer nam faces pack, full of unshaven, depressed, dirty, distant, deshevelled looking faces...

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