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Tomahawk nearly complete

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had contact from a german texture artist if you are him talk to me mister airwolf dude

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Wizziwig will it be possible to add your Tomahawk script to other cruise missiles for planes? I would be very interested in that...

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that will be a future project but yes it would be posible as the tomahwk scripts can be adapted to be use from any launch platform

but if you can texture and can help texture the launcher this would speed things up 10*

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launcher is sent outfor texturing thanks Teryan (not any more)from german airwolf

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Here is a list of the features our Tomahawk includes:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">1.  Satcom control system

2.  Map Click Target Marking

3.  Map Click Initial Point marking (defines ingress direction to target)

4.  Automatic waypoint system (maps course between hills and through valleys)

5.  Waypoint manual editing system

6.  True NOE (Nap of Earth) Terrain Following system

7.  Nose camera view

8.  Satalite tracking view

9.  Missile termination option (in case friendlies found at target while missile en-route)

10.  Auto Arming at Terminal Point (warhead will not explode until it is armed)

11.  360° Tomahawk tracking system (in map view)

12.  Warhead selection

In camera or satalite tracking view the following information is displayed

Altitude: ASL (Above sea level)

Altitude: AGL (Above ground level)

Air Speed

Map Grid

Scramble code

Next WP

WP Distance

Target Distance

Warhead (See warheads below)

Status (Armed – Unarmed)


Damage System displayed for various damage levels

1.0 "System Crash"

0.9 "turbojet subsonic engine"

0.8 "System Navigation Scanner"

0.7 "Main fuel tank"

0.6 "terrain matching system"

0.5 "digital scene matching illuminator"

0.4 "infrared imagery sensor"

0.3 "System Guidance"

0.2 "GPS satellite guidance"

0.1 "System damage"

0.0 "System OK"

To be Added soon to the display information:

Heading of Tomahawk

Bearing to Target

Here are the current warhead types we have or are working on:


1.   "Anti Structure HCE"  (High Collateral Effect)

2.   "Bunker Buster LCE" (Low Collateral Effect)

3.   "Aerial Blast HECB" (High Explosive Cluster Bombs)

4.   "Aerial Blast ATCB" (Anti Tank/Armor Cluster Bombs)

5.   "Aerial Blast APCB" (Anti Personel Cluster Bombs)

6.   "Low Yield Tactical Nuclear"

7.   "Poison Gas"

If the missile is damaged it currently is set to lose accuracy

Possible damage system improvements:

Each system can be listed with its % functionality.  As damage occurs the damage will be randomly distributed to various systems and the missile will acutally loose capability in that damaged system.  For example if the Terrain Mapping system is only at 75% the Tomahawk will only have 75% of its normal Nap Of Earth following ability which will make it stray 75% higher and lower in altitude compared to it current settings.

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new texture is Cribban and wildo thanks buddys

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Is the truck going to be the only launcher, or are you going to add others (such as a ship)?

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i have a launch ship but that might be for a update after we finish stage one

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A SHIP?? wow_o.gifwow_o.gifwow_o.gifwow_o.gifwow_o.gif An Arleigh Burke class destroyer? Or rather a Long Beach, Bainbridge, Virginia or Ticonderoga class cruiser... or Iowa class BATTLESHIP??? Or rather something far stealthier... like a Los Angeles class submarine or Sea Shadow stealth ship??

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send me beta link and ill see if it can just to let you know betas are goign out NOW!! so final wont be to long

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beta has bean sent out to a select number of testers for bug testing and improvments

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Hmmm... I was just wondering... all this work that goes into doing a Tomahawk... could it also go into making the russian equivalent of it? Like the SSC-4 (NATO codename:"SLINGSHOT"), SS-N-21 (NATO codename:"SAMPSON") or it's successor, the SSC-5 / SS-N-24 (NATO codename:"SCORPION")? How about it? wink_o.gif

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BUZZARD @ May 10 2004,00:42)]Hmmm... I was just wondering... all this work that goes into doing a Tomahawk... could it also go into making the russian equivalent of it? Like the SSC-4 (NATO codename:"SLINGSHOT"), SS-N-21 (NATO codename:"SAMPSON") or it's successor, the SSC-5 / SS-N-24 (NATO codename:"SCORPION")? How about it? wink_o.gif

my guess is that most of the efforst were spent in making the scripts for this addon. im sure that as long as the scripts are ready, making new models and textures shouldnt take as long a time. again, a speculation only, so dont get angry at me tounge_o.gif .

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if any one would like to make a new missile / launch craft / launch buggy ill be pleased to add the scripts as its quite complacated to implament to the addon im still bug testing/fixing small little problems but i still need some one to go over textures and model and fix it up a bit any taker's?

also im trying to get xenom to crrect the aspect of the nuke as we speak any way i cant put a date on final but i can say it will be very soon i hope but still need that texture fixer dude


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My OFP modification experience is limited so far to mission-making sad_o.gif (and I followed a tutorial on making an Island with WrpEdit but that stint doesn't count tounge_o.gif ). Anyway, I dunno about the coastal launchers for those soviet missiles, but the naval versions are submarine-launchable... maybe convince whoever made the Kilo-class submarine to make a sub that could fire some SS-N-21s... like the Sierra, Akula or Victor III class submarines... or maybe have a "retrofitted" Kilo-class sub (never heard of a diesel-powered submarine possessing cruise missiles as part of its armament, but what the hell, why not? tounge_o.gif )... just a thought...

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everon- carter mod created the sub but i can make one in the near future

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Wacky_Iraqi[LtC] @ May 06 2004,23:40)]I don't even know if the project is still on but if it is, once we finish our (BDM's) Arleigh Burke class destroyer, we would probably see if we could add it on to it

Man, make sure you make its flight deck useable... and maybe you could ask CoC to develop an ASROC missile for it... since they made their great torpedos...

I can already imagine it... the Nimitz protected by Arleigh Burkes, a couple of Kilo-class subs gathering for the kill, SH-60 Seahawks searching for them... all that's missing is S-3 Vikings... but Ofpman1 never released his, at least not that I know of... oh well... smile_o.gif

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everon- carter mod created the sub but i can make one in the near future

Nice!!! eheheh... gotta make a nice video once I got all that stuff... with individual dedications to these great addon-makers!!!

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do you have a contact email for him perhaps i could upgread it and imporve on the system

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