Bazinga2019 3 Posted January 31, 2019 Wow, thank you for the search. Do you know a tool or good method that lists the class name of an addon in a selection of multible PBO-Files? Because sadly the mission needs even more addons. Example: The missing addons message contains bas_mh6185, I found in a file bas_lbs.pbo because I tried all pbo-files I have starting with bas_ until bas_mh6185 disappeared in the message - then looked in the cpp-file of the pbo's the see the name. But how to find things like Dragonfly, SWI_M109 or even mi2no? With mi2no I looked in the source code and found it is a chopper... I even thought of editing the source files to remove or replace used vehicles but this would remove the fun too. So what is a good approach to find the other addons because only short names are mentioned in the message of missing addons? Something like "search text within multiple pbo files"... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RozekPoland 591 Posted January 31, 2019 These are my types: SWI_M109 mi2no No luck with finding dragonfly though. The only info I have found about it is that it was created by Sebastian Muller aka Joe Lemonade. There are some news about his work on but none of them related to any dragonfly. Dragonfly Light Pack Date released: 27.10.2002 Version: 1 Size: ~3,5mb Content: 3 units Required: - Back in November, 2015, dr death jm was apparently trying to convert the addon (dragonfly) to ARMA3. You might want to try to ask him about it. I have found a list of all required addons for RTS3 (not sure for which version of the mission). Might be a useful guidance for further searches Quote 21vbglider.pbo 2s19.pbo a10realistic.pbo ags_build.pbo ags_inds.pbo ags_port.pbo ak101.pbo ak_hemp_medium.pbo antonov.pbo antonovtroop.pbo apcrus.pbo apcupd.pbo baracken.pbo bas_cargo.pbo bas_derad.pbo bas_deraw.pbo bas_i1.pbo bas_i2.pbo bas_kawa.pbo bas_kiowapack.pbo bas_lbs.pbo bas_lbs185.pbo bas_mah60.pbo bas_mh47e.pbo bas_mh47e_185.pbo bas_o.pbo bas_opcpp.pbo bas_opfor.pbo bas_repair.pbo bas_rusopfor.pbo bas_soar.pbo bas_soar185.pbo bas_soarpilots.pbo bas_weap.pbo bauteile.pbo bib_afr.pbo bib_afr_miltex.pbo bib_hdweps.pbo biscamel.pbo btr70.pbo buggy.pbo buggy2.pbo buggy3.pbo c130v1a.pbo cbf-ndb.pbo challenger.pbo coc_mines.pbo coloredlights.pbo command.pbo ctitc_addons.pbo dkmm_bronco.pbo dkmm_mg3.pbo dkmm_mi28.pbo dkmm_mi28_controls.pbo dkmm_psg1_sd.pbo dkmm_rah66.pbo dkmm_rsc.pbo dkmm_tunguska.pbo dragonfly.pbo drno_isl.pbo dwrvietcong.pbo dwrvietcong2.pbo ebe1.pbo editorupdate102.pbo f15e.pbo gfx707pillbox5.pbo glasses.pbo heavymg2.pbo hedgehog.pbo hellden.pbo jam_magazines.pbo jam_sounds.pbo javelin.pbo jelalhabat_isl.pbo jetpack.pbo kegags.pbo kegak103.pbo kegak107.pbo kegepack_snow.pbo kegmakarov.pbo kegnoecain_snow.pbo kegrpg7.pbo kegrpk47.pbo kegrpk74.pbo kegsw44m.pbo kegsw629c.pbo kegsw66.pbo kkb_gate.pbo lbh.pbo legus.pbo lsd.pbo lsd_static.pbo lsr_gru.pbo lsr_naval.pbo lsr_rfwp.pbo m109.pbo m109adats.pbo m14.pbo m16203.pbo m16shotgun.pbo m2f.pbo m2p.pbo m60real.pbo mandeville.pbo mfcti1.0.pbo mfcti1.1.pbo mgb4.pbo mi-26.pbo mi26.pbo mi2no.pbo misc1.pbo misc2.pbo mtyhouse1.pbo natosymbols.pbo nor_btr60.pbo rad_f18.pbo ramp.pbo rktmig23.pbo rktmig27.pbo rpg29.pbo rsg.pbo rts3coreaddon.pbo rts3vehicleaddon.pbo rw.pbo sebsfuh1h.pbo sebsfuh1hresfix.pbo sign.pbo skye.pbo sterangers.pbo sterangersdes.pbo sterangerssnow.pbo sterangerswpns.pbo streetlamp.pbo stt_klr.pbo sttmasterkey.pbo su25realistic.pbo supplyjeep.pbo supplyuaz.pbo supplyuazg.pbo svdjungleops.pbo t90.pbo tjp_pavehawk.pbo tjp_pavehawk_snow.pbo tofpramp.pbo tpillbox.pbo trabcab.pbo trinity.pbo uce_ak74.pbo uce_ak74m.pbo uce_akm.pbo uce_aks74u.pbo uce_indiaj.pbo uce_kuffiya.pbo uce_m70b1.pbo uce_mpiak74n.pbo uce_pmkm.pbo uce_rusdes.pbo uce_rusnaval.pbo uce_rustaiga.pbo uce_rustgrs.pbo uce_sasha.pbo uce_svd_dragunov.pbo uce_svdm_dragunov.pbo up_mortar.pbo usmcsymbols.pbo vitapc.pbo vngroza.pbo vulcanrealistic.pbo zsurealistic.pbo zwa_telbu.pbo 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bazinga2019 3 Posted January 31, 2019 Again: Thank you! Little Progress... Still missing some addons - especially the F-15E 😞 Any Idea? "f15estrikeeeaglev2" - pbo list suggest f15e.pbo - could not find it tried rktf15.pbo, rkt15e.pbo and Vit_Usa_F15.pbo - did not work F-15 is heavily used in the *.sqs - also has a NUKE Version, which I remember WAdvancedJets = [["f15eaim120",8000,120,"\F15E\f15icon","F-15 Strike Eagle AA",NULL,"vcl"],["f15eMk82",20000,200,"\F15E\f15icon","F-15 E Mk82 Bombs",NULL,"vcl"],["f15egbu12",27000,220,"\F15E\f15icon","F-15 E GBU-12 Bombs",NULL,"vcl"],["Rad_Hornet_Mk83G",20000,200,"\Rad_F18\icongrey","FA-18 (Mk83 Bombs)",NULL,"vcl"],["RAD_Hornet_GBU16ag",22000,500,"\Rad_F18\icongrey","FA-18 GBU16a",NULL,"vcl"],["Rad_Hornet_AMRAAMG",30000,330,"\Rad_F18\icongrey","FA-18 (AMRAAM)",NULL,"vcl"],["Rad_Hornet_AGM88DG",30000,220,"\Rad_F18\icongrey","FA-18 (AGM 88)",NULL,"vcl"],["RAD_Hornet_B61g",200000,500,"\Rad_F18\icongrey","FA-18 B61 Nuke",NULL,"vcl"]] EAdvancedJets = [["f15eaim120_East",8000,120,"\F15E\f15icon","Soviet F-15 Strike Eagle AA",NULL,"vcl"],["RKTMiG23Grey",21000,200,"\rktmig23\picture.paa","MiG 23 Flogger",NULL,"vcl"],["RKTMiG27",21000,330,"\rktmig27\picture.paa","MiG 27 Flogger",NULL,"vcl"],["f15egbu12_East",27000,220,"\F15E\f15icon","Soviet F-15 E GBU-12 Bombs",NULL,"vcl"],["Rad_Hornet_Mk83Bn_East",20000,500,"\Rad_F18\iconbrown","Soviet FA-18 Mk83",NULL,"vcl"],["RAD_Hornet_GBU16aBn_East",22000,500,"\Rad_F18\iconbrown","Soviet FA-18 GBU16a",NULL,"vcl"],["Rad_Hornet_AGM88DBn_East",30000,220,"\Rad_F18\iconbrown","Soviet FA-18 (AGM 88)",NULL,"vcl"],["RAD_Hornet_B61Bn",200000,500,"\Rad_F18\iconbrown","Soviet FA-18 B61 Nuke",NULL,"vcl"]] Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bazinga2019 3 Posted January 31, 2019 I managed to get rid of most messages "missing addon" and "no entry config.bin/CfgVehicles", also removed missing addons from mission script... When creating the Multiplayer, after clicking OK in the Multiplayer-Setup, I get the Message No entry 'config.bin/CfgVehicles.'. Mission starts after pressing OK to this message. Seems kind of working. AI Commander does nothing, maybe this changed, I remember that AI was capable of building the base... maybe it is because of the error. Also as a commander I cannot build the HQ ... it says "30s left" "15s left" , then nothing happens... -- I really liked RTS-3 but it takes a lot of work it seems, MFCTI 1.16 worked out of the box (ok it does not use addons so it is not that much fun) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RozekPoland 591 Posted January 31, 2019 Try F15 from HERE. Keep in mind that RTS3 was in developed from 2002 till 2004. Any addons released afterwards shouldn't be taken into account. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bazinga2019 3 Posted February 3, 2019 Thank you for your help. RTS-3 is still not playable without script/mision modification, so I give up on this. I found mfCTI and crCTI - both working directly out of the box after download. crCTI seems to be a quite "new" implemantation for OFP Arma CWA compared to RTS-3 and mfCTI. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites