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miles teg

Lost brothers mission#1- dms

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I finally finished the DMS mission.  It requires a fair amount of addons but if you're into Middle East missions, then you probably already have many of these.  

At any rate read the readme file because it shows where to download all the addons!!!

This also includes Hunters Static animatins#2 and also an updated version of Mig's Mule that his his updated .cpp that removes the heavy breathing sound.  

The mission is at:  




Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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not anymore Avon. I got it download. (Well not yet. Only 6% tounge_o.gif ) Anyway. Hopes a good mission.

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Hmm... that's wierd. I'll have to see where else I can host it. The private folder is password protected, but that folder that the mission is in shouldn't be... oh... unless thats part of some type of bandwidth limitation thing. But I'll talk to Uzi about that. Maybe he made it where it only blocked out Avon Ladies! smile_o.gif I'm joking. Hehehe.

I'll see about sticking it on another sight as well or email me and I can send it to you directly.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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GetRight forces the Password check.

Downloading with IE native DL client gives me the file but WinRar warns download is incomplete - UNEXPECTED END OF ARCHIVE. I only see the mission PBO - no ReadMe inside. File downloaded is 289K. rock.gif

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Ack... that's not right... I'll download it and check to see if it works for me.


Nope, downloads and opens fine for me here. Just email me and I'll send it to you AL.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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Ok I just stuck the mission on one of my geocities sites so if the first link don't work try this one... but for those reading this who haven't tried the first link, please use that one first because geocities has very limited bandwidth.  Also if anyone can mirror the mission that would be good also.  smile_o.gif

The other link is:


To get it to download you MUST put a space after the end of the URL in your browser.   In other words put a space after the "p" in .zip.  

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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And the beat goes on. WinZip says:

testing: LoBo_DMS.sinai.pbo      Error: unexpected end of file encountered

Error:  invalid compressed data to inflate

All other files extractable.

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While we're at it, I cannot open the Arab Face Pack zip file, downloaded from the IDFSQUAD site as well.

I have no problem with any other download sites.

Could someone please email me the facepack? TIA! smile_o.gif

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copy and paste the links that are in the readme and enter them in your browser address line - enter. works flawlessly.

@Miles Teg

Good mission although a little bit too short and too easy. Would expect more resistance from the "terrorists". I would have chosen other models for the terrorists but that's nitpicking. I hope on the final version of Sinai there would be used other buildings in Suez city than the ones from original OFP. They really don't fit to this island. And I would add some more civilians, since the mission briefing tells that you should pay attention not to shoot them. I noticed only 1 civilian in the whole city.

The mule is really funny!!

I'm happy you made this mission since there are so few desert style mission out there. Hope to see more from you Miles Teg.

And hope next time the mission would be a little bit longer.

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copy and paste the links that are in the readme and enter them in your browser address line - enter. works flawlessly.

I did that for every link in the ReadMe. The only URLs that are giving me problems are those on the IDFSQUAD's WEB site.

Everything located elsewhere has been successfully downloaded.

So I'm still missing the mission PBO itself and the faces addon. sad_o.gif

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When I try to play the mission it says Cannot Load Mission, missing addons: loboweapons.  I have downloaded all the addons required.  Anyone know where I can find this weapon thing?

EDIT: Nevermind, found the pack here.

EDIT2: Nevermind again. That was the wrong pack sad_o.gif . Was the loboweapons.pbo supposed to be in the infantry RAR file??

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Ack I thought I had removed the Loboweapons.pbo stuff from the mission.sqm file. Hmm... Oh.... Darn it... I know what happened... I think I forgot to also remove it from the intro mission. You see, when I was making this mission I was at first using internal beta Lobo Egytpian troops, but then removed them and just used Resistance soldiers with Arab faces.

If you're familiary De-PBO'ing missions, you can also easilly fix that problem yourself in the un-PBO'ed mission.sqm file.

But if not no worries I'll get it fixed as soon as I get home this evening.

Unfortunately I'm at school right now but I will update the files ASAP to get rid of that error.

Also, AL I will email the mission file and the arab face pack as well.

Thanks for the comments on the mission.

Yeah it is a tad bit easy, so I may perhaps add another squad or maybe some more snipers or some landmines or something. smile_o.gif

I could even add the CoC landmines to make some boobie traps. smile_o.gif Hehehehe....

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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I went into the mission.sqm file, but there is no loboweapon in the required addons part and I couldn't find any units using diffrent weapons then their defaults besides the SJB one's wink_o.gif .  I'll just wait till your next release smile_o.gif

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Cannot load mission, missing addons Loboweapons (which i have)   sad_o.gif

EDIT: I also have the lobo internal beta (maybe I was using the wrong loboweapons.pbo?

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Ok I'm home now... I'm doing a bunch of updates... first off...I'm replacing Kegetys's RPG-7 with the JAM RPG since the JAM pack is already installed anyways...that will make one less download... however I'm also adding in land mines from the COC pack...just a few here and there to make things interesting. smile_o.gif I'm also putting a few more snipers to force you to really use the DMS and get into a counter-sniper mentality. I should have the updates done in about an hour or so... then I'll upload the edited version. Also I found the problem with the LoboWeapons. It was in there down at the bottom of the mission.sqm file in the intro section. Some people forget that there is another list of addons for each section of a mission (intro, mission, and ending). In this case its just in the intro section because I didn't put in a ending cut scene.

Anyhoo... I'm editing away right now to make the mission even better....

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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Ok both files on both sites are updated with a new version without the loboweapons required.

However it now requires the CoC mines. The link to it is in the readme file.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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Ok, I fixed the loboweapons.pbo problem, but now the mission won't load.  Missing addon "groups".  It plays the intro- in which two of the soldiers are doing a strange dance (anim problem?) - but once it ends, I get the missing addon message...  I've triple checked the addon list, and I have them all...  Any idea what is up?

EDIT: wrote this before you posted the second time... disregard until I try the new version...

EDIT again: Same problem with new version, missing addon groups...

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Hmm... Did you put the Hunter_statics2.pbo into your addons folder?

If you did I'll have to check and make sure that's the right animation .pbo. (I'm pretty sure it was Hunter's #2 that I used).

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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Ah try downloading this animation pbo file:


Hopefully that's the problem.

I'm gonna try testing with the "groups" erased to see if that also fixes that bug.

EDIT: Ok "groups" in mission removed. I also stuck another animation.pbo (a small one) in the missions at both sites.

Hopefully this one will work without any glitches. I just tested out the whole mission and its MUCH more challenging now with nasty snipers that pop up from unexpected locations not to mention land mines and boobie traps in nasty spots. smile_o.gif

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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Ok, got it working great. Neat mission, reminds me of that tonal map in the big city from the Insurgency campaign!

Two suggestions:

I don't believe the DM is also the squad leader. Besides, the mission would be much less frustrating at times without a squad to lead around...

And maybe explain the objectives a bit better. I was confused at times as to where I should be.

Overall, it was a blast. And about time someone made some IDF missions...

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