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Need voice actor

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I need A10 pilot to say something like that:

"Visible contact with the target, commencing fire."

After target destroyed he says:

"Target accured" <-- i really can't find this word in dictionary but i know it exists crazy_o.gif

I need these phrases to be spoken in calm voice. it will be spoken by radio so i also need radio effect(some noise in background)  smile_o.gif

if you interested, please send your files to [email protected]

thx in advance


And of course swearings are welcome biggrin_o.gif  tounge_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]"Target accured"


I' ve never heard the word "accured" before. Maybe something like "destroyed", "neutralized", or "eliminated".

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I' ve never heard the word "accured" before. Maybe something like "destroyed", "neutralized", or "eliminated".

I'm positive he means:



get/get hold of



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Quote[/b] ]I'm positive he means:


If the target has already been destroyed, then it was already acquired.

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it was "acquired"!

thank you, The_Taurus a lot.

I just remember two phrases:"target is mobile" and "target acquired"  biggrin_o.gif

Avon is following me and spamming everywhere now  biggrin_o.gif  tounge_o.gif


Yes, you right. After pilot destroys the target - he reports: "target acquired"

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Yes, you right. After pilot destroys the target - he reports: "target acquired"

You didn't understand what he meant.

Target acquired means you've got the target visually designated before you destroy it - not after!

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What "target is mobile" means then?


ShyT! my English sux. i sould consult with some1.... wink_o.gif

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thank you, Munk! Maybe tommorow, cuz' now i'm gonna sleep. tommorow school wow_o.gifghostface.gif .

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c'mon ppl. so many users on this forum and no one can record some F-ing phrase?! crazy_o.gifghostface.gif

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you mean something along the lines of:

Quote[/b] ]

"I got a solid lock on the target. Missile is armed....Fox 1"

Quote[/b] ]

"Missile is on the target....and it is destroyed! those ladies won't be keeping there breakfast down.

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Damn american Imperialist's Yahoo do not recieve MSGs from mail.ru! mad_o.gifcrazy_o.gif

"I got a solid lock on the target. Missile is armed...."

"Missile is on the target....and it is destroyed! this lady

won't be keeping there breakfast down.

say these phrases in calm slow voice. If you able to, add background noise because it will be spoken by radio. thx in advance.

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"Missile is on the target....and it is destroyed! this lady

won't be keeping there breakfast down.

Besides not making sense, this statement is grammatically incorrect. It should be: This lady won't be keeping her breakfast down.

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the most correct sentence is:

"The Avon Lady won't be keeping her breakfast down."  tounge_o.gif  biggrin_o.gif

stam, just joking, no offensive theavonlady smile_o.gif

BTW i have English test 2morrow. that one that i cutted off during earthquake ghostface.gif

So,avon, you gonna help me with past perfect and present perfect, are you?

Edit: corrected spell mistakes

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