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Us landing craft

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I can limit the top speed though, right?

Technically yes, but actually... the only thing setting the maxspeed=xxx; in the config.cpp of a helicopter will do (and I quote) "limit the change in pitch of the 'air rushing past' sound" crazy_o.gif

You'll find, that flown "properly" all helicopters (in OFP) have the same top speed (the speed at which they start to lose altitude)


You'll hear about them when they're ready to hear about. wink_o.gif

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Maybe you can add a landing craft (like the one in the picture below) to the dessert pack wich can carry the vehicles in the pack (to stay at the topic), nice for rapid deployement of these vehicles   wink_o.gif


And maybe you can read the forum rules. No images over 100kb.

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I think something like the VTOL from Klinks harrier would work.Hold the vehicle steady and can move forward with out tilting to gain speed.But something like that.I dunno.

That's a good idea, the hovercraft is actually a boat and you can raise it by using the VTOL of the Harrier

I dont know what you meant by that,But what I meant was if it was going to be a helicopter have it where the hover craft can go into something like the VTOL from the harrier and then it can hover on water an land.Thats all.

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I will have a go at a PBY instead.

Are you doing a PBY? PBY Catalina? I have one started

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Where is this VTOL set of scripts at?

And who is the author, I'd like to use it for a VTOL craft from the game X-COM: UFO called Skyranger.

The Skyranger is a VTOL craft capiable of carrying 14 men or 3 tanks and 2 men (1 tank platform taking the place of 4 men)


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