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Nby carrier

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Hello from Nobody

Well the final version of carrier is in game and is modeled with 12 levels that work and has new weapon as in the goalkeeper defense system and a Sam launcher. just need some help on textures

i have sent a pic and if u can help on this massvie addon the contact me on msn or by email at nobodyshigh@hotmail.com

thanks nobody

here are pics:




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Can't help you with the textures but try highlighting the whole model and pressing U for sharp edges... for smooth edges highlight things and press I... makes your model look 100000 times better

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Looks very nice! smile_o.gif Can't wait for it to be released. smile_o.gif

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That's a weird looking carrier, like the island and flight deck are reverse of what they normally are. Did you design it yourself? I seem to remember that the new carrier that the British are working on is kind of odd looking too. Is this the same class? Just curious. I'll still download it. smile_o.gif

Edit: Moving to Addons and Mods: Discussion. When the carrier is released completed or as a beta, we can start a new topic over in A&M:C. smile_o.gif

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The last nation to put the island on the port side was Japan back in WW2.

The carrier looks very good, just needs 'mirroring' so its as 99% of all other carriers in use in our world with an island on the Starboard side.

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strange the tower on the left,

I tought they stopped making carriers with the tower on the left in WW2 as pilots are more likely to sway to the left

where did you get these drawings?

it does look very cool do

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i eyeballed it pretty much did not noe that it was on the wrong side. but in ofp anythign goes i guess but i can chage it.......................easly

thanks fo rall the great coments on this

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i eyeballed it pretty much did not noe that it was on the wrong side. but in ofp anythign goes i guess but i can chage it.......................easly

thanks for all the great coments on this

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Pretty good looking. I'm also wondering if you plan on making new scripts, such as making a more realistic catapult script. It'd be pretty nice to see the plane actually get shot off the deck, then some steam out of the groove.

If you look at a quick picture of the USS Enterprise (3rd ship down) you definately have something backwards crazy_o.gif

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put the tower on the right side and this carrier looks GREAT smile_o.gif

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