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Boat, where is my boat ?!

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I have search the forum for good ships, as moderator edvise us to do, and found no ¨good¨ ship addons (no offence)

I wonder why they make more planes then ships, there are much to add from ships.

I need a good ship addon, PLZ

Anyone help?

PS: Moderator can close this after I found a ship-addon

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I guess I can take those one, THX  biggrin_o.gif

PS: I think this site is the only one with norwegian.

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Seems like the right place to ask if anybody is currently in process of making any modern naval vessels?

I know there's USS Nimitz by DaSquade and Hawk nearing completion so it's just a matter of time and we will play with this one. However, I think AC needs some escort... Some of my wishes are for example Hazard Perry class frigate, Ticonderoga class cruiser (would nicely go along with COC Tomahawks),  Los Angeles class sub, Arleigh Burke class destroyer, Tarawa class LHA (somebody was woking on one, just can't remind who sad_o.gif ).

Pherhaps most usefull of all this would be Mark V Special Operations Craft...

If anybody's interested GloalSecurity.com is a good place to start. wink_o.gif

Ps. Not to mention that Russians would use some new boats too....  wink_o.gif

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I just rechecked this mod after some time and well frankly,  wow_o.gif  wow_o.gif  wow_o.gif  wow_o.gif



There are ingame pics on the newspage of a Russian Typhoon submerging and a Seawolf as well!!

USNavymod site

BTW, OPGWC are making a Tarawa. (Couldn't be bothered to find pics!!  tounge_o.gif )

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no... go to OFP info and select your launges...The go to Addons>Boats> and you are there.

he meant that it's the only site with norwegien translations

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Yeah, I've just checked USNavyMOD website. Last update was at 25-7-2003. Let's just hope this is now YAAM (yet another abandoned mod).

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I wonder what this is ?

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It was made when I open OPF Info

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Sry to say this SWIFT88 but USnavyMod is better.

I have tryed the ships on ofp.cz, and they wasent so good as I thought.

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