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Looking for some alien stuff

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Hi There.

I have been looking for a long time for something that resembles something not from this world. I would like something that was quite human, so not much different from a human character. More like a human with a suit on, and a weapon with it.

You see, I plan to make a mission from it where you are on an other planet, conalized by Earthlings that gets attacked.

I have the humans I'm using from the Star Ship troopers MOD so i'm already using them.

Any help is greatly appreacheted!


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Someone (I think it was Black Baron) made a UFO once. That could help you with equipment. Someone also made a freakish looking alien.

All I know is that I read about both at OFP.info, so go check it out.


[EDIT: I was feeling nice, so here's the links to what I was talking about:

Zabrak Alien:


Sileny Murdock's UFO:


It seems that Black Baron's site is down, so you're going to have to do a search for his UFO. Enjoy. smile_o.gif ]

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That Zabrak's gun is diabollically poor... Anyhow I would mention the Tau Pac that Op-Sci Fi released a few months ago. The vehicles aren't all up to scratch, but the troops are..

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Thanks guys, does anyone know about weapons, that are spaciey?

edit: Does anyone know about any space ground vehicles, like the jeep in HALO?

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The only space "ground" vehicle I can think of is one that's pretty ancient. I remember that someone released a star wars hover bike somewhere...I know it's not the jeep in HALO, but you've gotta take what you can get in this situation.


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Yeah,The speeder is pretty cool.I dont think that those HALO units were ever released,Maybe someone will come and tell me that Im wrong and give a link to them.


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Yeah,The speeder is pretty cool.I dont think that those HALO units were ever released,Maybe someone will come and tell me that Im wrong and give a link to them.


*Crosses Fingers* I sure hope they're out there somewhere..

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Quote[/b] ]I have been looking for a long time for something that resembles something not from this world.


just look around OFP.info... you can find alot of wierd stuff...  Look, I found a quarter!

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I model most of the Human weapons for OPSCIFI's WH40k mod (which the Tau pack is part of), if you look over the pics of the various weapons and spot one you think would work well, just say so and i should be able to get the model to you at least, the specifics of a config and other niggling factors you'd have to sort out on your own for the most part i'm afraid.





Exitus Rifle

Exitus Pistol

Lasgun CAR

Lasgun (mars)

Rocket Launcher



Lasgun (Triplex)

There are many more weapons and vehicles created by the OPSCIFI team, however since i haven't made them, i can't really vouch for their availability. If you do want to use one of them, then all that's needed is that i, the others who worked on the weapon and the OPSCIFI team be credited in the readme.

hope that helps smile_o.gif


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Yeah,The speeder is pretty cool.I dont think that those HALO units were ever released,Maybe someone will come and tell me that Im wrong and give a link to them.


*Crosses Fingers* I sure hope they're out there somewhere..

No. I remenber talkin on a topic at OFPEC about this guys HALO unit for a clan. Never where realeased. You could see if the mod HALO: Home front has any rock.gif

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They're mod seems dead. The site doesnt work. sad_o.gif

Ohhhhh. sad_o.gifsad_o.gifsad_o.gif

I was lookin forward to there HALO stuff.


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Yeah,The speeder is pretty cool.I dont think that those HALO units were ever released,Maybe someone will come and tell me that Im wrong and give a link to them.


*Crosses Fingers* I sure hope they're out there somewhere..

No. I remenber talkin on a topic at OFPEC about this guys HALO unit for a clan. Never where realeased. You could see if the mod HALO: Home front has any rock.gif

Woah wait a sec... there was a HALO mod? crazy_o.gif

Damn it you go away for a bit and everything changes biggrin_o.gif

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