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Create new animations for bus?

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Hi all,

I would like to create an animation for the OFP: R bus. I want to make the bus tip on its side BUT NOT explode.

Is that possible in OFPAnim?

I realise the OFP:R bus model is binarised and cannot be imported into OFPAnim, but is there an alternative to use?

Thanks in advance


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I do not beleive that this can be done with an animation but, Harnu made a script long ago that forces a unit to tip on its side. It is posted somewhere in the Scripting FAQ.

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Not quite a script. Just some careful positioning and a trigger.

Example flip.zip

The .sqm included is on desert island. So just extract it and it could create the folder itself if I'm not mistaken.

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That worked a treat! Your solution was completely different from what I had in mind!!!

Great stuff.



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One thing I've noticed though, is that when the bus is not visible by the player (ie: you're nowhere near it) then it always lands upright!!!

But when you stand next to it, it falls correctly 100% of the time.

It's really weird, it's like the statement "when a tree falls in the woods, and no-one is there to see it, does it make a sound" !!!

Methinks OFP is doing some short-circuit work behind the scenes and skimping on the collision detection. Hopefully I'm talking shit though.

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Yes,I've noticed various things like this from time to time. But it usually works for me

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well theres an easy way to do that. At the start of the mission have the guy next to the bus during a cutscene. Then the palyer can be next to it at the start and thne U setPos him to the starting pos when the coutscene ends tounge_o.gif

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