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Some ideas for addons

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-Minedetecter, i don

't see how it would be a good idea for ofp but i'd be good for realistic mod's like the WarGames thing.

-Avengermissles sytem, saw it on tv and thought it was pretty cool looking. Be fun to shoot down some planes in it, and it would be good for defending missions.

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It would be pretty easy to implement mine detecting into a mission...Someone would just have to make a mine detector addon.

As for the Avenger, well it's been discussed before, and it can't be done. Well it could, but it would have to be configured as a tank, or it would have to be semi-static, which wouldn't really look good. OFP engine limitations dictate that you can't have a missile launcher on a wheeled vehicle unfortunately sad_o.gif

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Oh ya i forgot about that limitation, o well hopefully ofp2 takes care of it.

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Yes it was...It's only AT missiles which can't be fitted onto wheeled vehicles. The Mk.19 is classed as a 'gun' .

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What about Chaparral it could be done.

In the works I think, by BAS/Angusheaf not a 100% sure about it though.

For a minedetector we would need invisible mines, as now you can see them clear as day. But it is a good idea smile_o.gif

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Are you sure a moving missile system is impossible?

I think not.

Check out the SA-11 GadFly addon. 3 AA missiles on a movable Shilka chassis, just like the real thing.

And for static AA, Colonel Klink did one, it's on his tutorial page.

Either search for them on the board or d/l from ofp.info


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Ah right, so it's the fact it's HMMVVV mounted that's the problem is it? biggrin_o.gif

Right OK, if I'm talking out of my arse I apologise wow_o.gif, but I am pretty sure this is possible - check out the Hummer with M2 at the URL below; why should a missile launcher be that much more difficult.



Do you like zombies? Oops... I'm sorry, I shouldn't be advertising... aargh ;)

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I thought the minedetector would be cool for WW2 stuff.  Instead of just running easily through a field were u can see the mines, now u would have to bring in the engineers and have them find and deactivating mines.  It would give another role for the engineer class. If i knew anything about O2 i'd make it but i'm working visitor and i still got alot to learn.

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