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Cutscenes in mp

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i've been working on a multiplayer mission with several cutscenes. none of them occur during any player action, so there's no danger of being killed during one of them. the first 2 scenes go without a hitch. however, the ones that follow  either don't happen at all or happen at different times for the players in the game. is this a typical problem in mp with cutscenes? they all seem to work ok in the editor. could the fact that all the players are not necessarily in the same place when the scripts are activated have something to do with it? i'm stumped. thanks for any advice...

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Unfortunately, there are a lot of things working perfectly in SP/editor that will not work or not in the way you hoped in MP.

I think you just are on one of those problems with the ingame multiple cutscenes you are trying to do for this MP mission.

Have you tried to play this MP mission with every player that have downloaded previously the mission before joining your game ? As it can be a problem that came with the download during game loading and scripts not loaded client side

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Sadly, this is how the MP cutscenes will work, i have played some mission that i made myself on other peoples servers and some of the cam angles got changed mad_o.gif

I was never able to figure out why, as well as to figure out why cutscenes played for me and not others. Now i just stick to cutscenes in SP missions.

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thought that might be the problem. i'll just tweak it a bit and turn it into a sgl player mission. thanks for the replies...

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