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Unpbo utility

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Hey everyone. couple more questions for everyone seeing that you guys seem to know just about everything I don't.

Which is the most reliable pbo unpacker to date? I have DePbo but it didn't properly decode the mission.sqm file I need.

And as long as I'm asking, what the hell is a .paa file type?

Thanks again everyone!

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a .paa file is an image format supporting directx texture compression + alpha channels for transparency.

b. search theavonlady.org's faq for UNPBO application, which can deal with ofp & ofp:r

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I always unpbo 1.5 and never had a mission i could not unpack with it...

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I third that! I think you can grab Amalfi's PBO decryptor from OFPEC, parts of the site are operational.

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And the results are in! It worked beautifully! Thanks again everyone.

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I normally use UnPBO 1.5, but I was unable to unpack kabal's SA-80 and L1A1 packs - OFP Manager did the trick though.

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I'm currently using UnPBO but there are quite a few missions which when I try to decompress, simply get a txt file named the same rock.gif

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Quote[/b] ]I'm currently using UnPBO but there are quite a few missions which when I try to decompress, simply get a txt file named the same

That's never happened to me, have you checked carefully for the folder with the decompressed files?

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Well when it works, it decompresses the mission to its original folder (Operation Flashpoint\Missions or Operation Flashpoint\MPmissions)

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