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Ghost Recon

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I admit, I was seduced by the flashy graphics and swaying trees, the rave review by Computer Gamer, so I bought it. And I swear, I can only play for a few minutes before I get bored. It doesn't have the gritty realism of OFP, it's not even close. I find Ghost Recon to be another shooter, while OFP an intense, realistic simulator with incredible depth. I hate to put more time in Ghost Recon as it takes time away from OFP. Did anyone else out there purchase Ghost Recon? What is your mouth feel on it? Does it get better as the game progresses?

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My thoughts exactly.

While GR offers plenty of eye-candy and is *seemingly* a realistic out-door combat simulator, it's not even close to OFP's stunning environment and atmosphere.

It's a good choice for those who want nothing more from a game than beautiful graphics and continuous bloodshed.

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I tested the demo. After about 5 mins of play I realized it totally sucked... Though I still think OFP is a bit TOO large for solid teamplay. Oh, what I could give for a dedicated Multiplayer Island...

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The thing that we are still missing from all these battlefield simulators is the Electronic Battlefield -concept originally proposed by Microprose when they published Falcon 4.0.

While Falcon 4.0 never had the capability to make a huge, open, free-for-all Internet-battlefield, their idea was to use the game engine for further developement so that finally it could be possible to be only a tiny part of a huge war with hundreds/thousands of human participants.

In OFP this can never happen since the game-engine is not based on "proximity bubbles" like Falcon so every machine participating the game has to model exact movements of every object and player on the whole map. That way it takes too much CPU cycles and helluva lot of bandwidth as the number of players increse.

Yet I'd still love to see the dream of Microprose fulfilled some day...

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Yeah, GR grabs me as "fun" or "neat", but I've heard so much hype about it, I guess I had great expectations. I was hoping for an OFP that was smoother and had better graphics. This OFP... I think it is revolutionary. I have been an avid computer gamer since Miner 2049'er and I think OFP has impressed me more than any other title over the past 20 years; it is leaps and bounds away from any competitve product.

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I bought it because the store I buy games at, here in Cananda, must of made a mistake and priced it very low. So I bought it but it's still in the box and I won't open it until I finish Red Hammer, maybe even later.

I also read in the latest PCGamer (US version) that they give GR a 93% while OFP got a 70%.  Sure they based the 70% on v 1.00 with all its bugs, but it's not a 70%, it's a 85% at least.  And they say in the GR review:"It's Red Storm's best game yet, and easily beats Operation Flashpoint".  Total BS.  I gotta stop buying/listening to these magazines.

-=Die Alive=-

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I think Ghost Recon was great. There´s nothing wrong with the realism there I must say, recoil, weapons sound and enemy reaction is not far from perfect. The soldiers in OPF just stand there while the enemy tank takes aim at him. The AI in Ghost Recon is much better in all respects and considered it´s bred out of Rainbow Six and Ghost Recon I´d say we can expect better products from them later on that might suit you better.

Sure, OPF is larger and offers much more to the gamer but in terms of realism I´d say GR tops the league this far. Imagine if you could blend those two games into a single with the realism, sounds and AI of GR and the grandiour of OPF, then we´d all forget about the concept of sleep. The model textures in GR are good but not then it comes to veichle modelling, tanks and IFV´s are rather crappy compared to OPF but the outdoor sensation with the sun gleaming over the mountains, almost blinding you is almost stunning as with the trees swaying in the wind and all. One of the details that got to me first in GR is the small arms sound effects, firing a RPK74 or a M249 SAW really gives that feeling of actually being there, reallly immensing. Sorry for the short novell but I´m sure I can come up with more. smile.gif

(Edited by Hindhunter at 10:37 pm on Dec. 4, 2001)

(Edited by Hindhunter at 10:39 pm on Dec. 4, 2001)

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the funny thing is that everybody keeps comparing Ghost Recon to OFP....

The all reviewers say the same; It doesn't have this, it doesn't have that...

OFP has set the standart to measure the other Mapping Tool"l shooters games. Ghost Recon is a great game... but is not better than OFP...and never will be...


OFP is the best war simulation ever.... whether you liked it or not.

PCGAMER is too biased by the $$$$ given for Red storm for publicity.

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I'm a bit disapointed with GR it was't as good as the impression i got. It was over hyped by people and the magzines

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is it true that Ghost Recon's maps are about 400m^2? i heard they have put M82A1 in that game, but there's no use for that weapon if the map is that small

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I bought GR shortly after it came out. I'll not kid ya it's a very "pretty" game. To compare it to OFP just is'nt possible.

I've played it alot, and to be honest, I'm getting bored with it.

What I think they should have done is apply the engine to Rogue Spear. Both indoor and out door graphics are awesome.

I went back and played Black Thorn and to be honest, I like it better.

GR is having a real negative impact on the "hardcore" RSE  gamers that bought it expecting a game along the lines of RS.

So say "buh-bye" to GR on PC's and watch it migrate to XBox.

It's a shooter, not a Sim. SO tough to even compare it to OFP.

I've not played alot of OFP since I bought it, but that may be changing here in the forseeable future.

I'm in a GR squad so I'm gonna give it a month or two and see what UBI/RSE does with it before I put it on the shelf with the rest of my "Could have been Great!" games....



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