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Dynamic (i think) mission

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Hi Anti_Gravity,

Why dont you just put a link to your mission right here and we'll be glad to try it.



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Hi, Thanks for replying smile_o.gif

I uploaded it to Opflash.org. Here is the link to my mission:

Go to the first post for the link

Thanks again biggrin_o.gif

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hi antigravity,

would love to test your mission, but if i can suggest, how about u try something different and make you 'dynamic' mission for Tonal??? i love THRU's veitnam mission but would also love another slant on it. Tonal has all the right elements included with it. Lite armour, mass unequipped enemy forces, massive land scape... perfect for random enemy bases..

cheers smile_o.gif

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There are many ppl that have problems running big missions on tonal because it requires a very fast pc.

Perhaps use the little version of tonal that also shipped with it. Just an idea, so more ppl can enjoy the mission.

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I love this type of mission...downloading...thanks AG ! Beside Tonal, how about just plain 1985ofp without any addons ? So far all I have seen is vietnam mission.


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Re: Lamerlot

I plan to smile_o.gif. I plan to create a similar version for Kogujev. In this Vietnam Mission, I plan to try to create a more 'infantry enjoyable' experience. In Kogujev, I plan to try to take a more airborne approach. (Choppers, take down enemy installation, black op targetting a hidden Russian scud etc). However, I plan to make the Vietnam one first and finish it off.

smile_o.gif Cheers and thanks for the replies

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Can you please list what are the addons need beside sebnam2 ? I got an error at startup about missing bas_...addons.



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hi Anti-gravity

gave yr mission a bit of a go. was quite fun, not very hard tho, i took the m60 and the green dragon and made a mess of several enemy spawns. few things would be good for you to add.

markers where enemy bases have been discovered/destroyed.

change the bmp to the sebnam bmp, to one without AT rockets equipped.

i had earned 60 points and is there sposed to be armour choices?? i had nothing to spend the points on, i had lost no guys.

a mission overview, even a basic one would help send ppl on the right path.

wot about makeing an officer somewhere in the west the ultimate target?rock.gif

ill keep playing, it runs very good, not laggy at all.

*cough*would make a good tonal mission*cough* biggrin_o.gif

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theres a few leftover addons in the list .

Lamerlot, u can edit the mission.sqm with notepad and delete these entries.




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Thanks for a very prompt help. I will follow your instructions.


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Sorry for not replying for a while...

I wanted to mainly focus on the 'infantry' aspect of this mission, so I decided that you can only spend those 'supply points' on reinforcements and air support

Those three vehicles (+ the support ones) are the only ones you start off with, and they come with no respawn. Use them wisely smile_o.gif

I am creating someobjectives while I..type. I am implementing a 'territory' capture system - each Vietcong base will come with a flag. The only way to stop the respawn and to capture territory is to 'capture the flag' smile_o.gif

Oh, and I plan to make the game progressively harder smile_o.gif

Here are the objectives I plan to implement:

- Capture all territory

- Earn over 500 supply points

- Stay alive wow_o.gifsmile_o.gif

BTW: I plan to d/l Tonal and try to incorporate this mission into it smile_o.gif. I also plan to add voices...i don't know how, but it will surely add to the atmosphere (Radio chatter  etc).

BTW PART II: I almost forgot, if you try to land a chopper in enemy territory, expect a *hot* landing zone! I am making a script to spawn soldiers to come after your chopper-- so, if you land a chopper, expect resistance (A Chopper makes a lot of noise, you know!)

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RE: ])rStrangelove

Where are my manners? Credit to ])rStrangelove for his Spawn Manager script biggrin_o.gifbiggrin_o.gif - thanks to him, I can spawn soldiers in enemy bases smile_o.gif !!

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No need to apologize smile_o.gif) I appreciate your work. Hope to see the Tonal mission. I like your focus on infantry battles.


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Lamerot, thanks for your reply smile_o.gif

I have just updated the link in the first post. I created a new version of this mission.

I still haven't gotten around to making a briefing or overview yet but don't worry smile_o.gif I'll make sure that it is as polished a product as possible smile_o.gif

These are the features I have added:

- A Territorial system

- When you spot an enemy base, a marker gets *placed* over that position. I am having trouble *creating* markers sad_o.gif

- More AI defenses

- A command point system. So, if you lose those choppers that you called for from the menu, you lose 40 points per chopper (and you start with 0). (Kinda crude, but will work on it).

- Random patrols that NEVER run out wink_o.gifsmile_o.gif

What I intend to add in the next version:

- A BRIEFING smile_o.gif (and an overview)(with picture)

- A buy guns feature (using the BWPP Weapon buy system)

- Satellite viewing (still pondering the thought...)

- I intend to remove the transport chopper you start with and give the role of transport to an AI and encourage more infantry tactics. In this version, if you check the map, you'll see several 'green areas'. I indend to create choppers that can ferry you and your men to the other green areas smile_o.gif - but if you want to transport tanks or your support trucks...  wink_o.gif (you'll get points if you do this successfuly smile_o.gif)

More soon

EDIT: I am also thinking of adding a mission system... through some sort of menu system that allows you to scroll and select the mission you wish to accept. This might take some time though.

BTW: Sinister[tnuC], thanks for replying and finding out about that error regarding the BAS units. I think I have removed them in the version smile_o.gif

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