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Machine gun

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can i have a machine gun with full animations and please tell me how to install it

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Any particular type of machine gun?

Hand held? Static (as in M2)

And from what era - there are machine guns for WW2, Vietnam etc etc.

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Here you can download many weapons, vehicles, ...


On this site you can also download very good weapons and vehicles! For installing read the included read me



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those are some fine lookin weapons but the read me doesnt help me i still do know how to be able to use it

pleasepleaseplease g help me with a step by step guide

this time im despitate *sniffle* help me!!!!

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Step one:

Download the addon you want, may it be a weapon, car or any other devilish thing.

Step two:

Unzip the pbo(s) into your OFP addon directory (mine is C:/ProgramFiles/Codemasters/Operation/OperationFlashpoint/AddOns)

Step three:

Start the mission editor, and look for the unit holding your downloaded gun. Or use the initfield and write:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">removeallweapons this; this addmagazine <insert addon magazine here>; this addweapon <insert weapon name here> You can repeat the "addmagazine" part to get more magazines for your gun. The classnames of guns and magazines are usually in the readme files, but sometimes people seem to forget to include them.

Hope that helped ya a little bit.

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