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Captain Kickass


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Honestly though who thinks the BRDM was a waste of time. To tell you the truth when I saw it I was dissapointed that it was completely unarmed, it did'nt even have an MG. Which would have made it a good competiter with M113.

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The BRDM is a reconnaissance vehicle, not a fighting vehicle. I agree that it should be armed, as it is in most real-life versions, but it was never intended to be used in assaults etc.

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U know well that US doesn't have good APC's in the game, expect bradly, which armour is lower then BMP - 1, 2 armour. Don't know why.

I thought that BRDM will be a good competiter with hummer. Bouth have the same number of seats, bouth armour is good. Expect, that BRDM armour is a little low. Hummer have better armour. U can't kill soldier in hummer with a single rifle. U need at least grende louncher. U can take BRDM with a few shoots from a rifle. U can shot a driver in BRDM. U can't shot it in hummer. I think that hummer armour should stay the same, and i also think that BRDM armour should be better.

(Edited by SpaceAlex at 10:31 pm on Dec. 10, 2001)

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from SpaceAlex on 11:30 pm on Dec. 10, 2001

U know well that US doesn't have good APC's in the game, expect bradly, which armour is lower then BMP - 1, 2 armour. Don't know why.

I thought that BRDM will be a good competiter with hummer. Bouth have the same number of seats, bouth armour is good. Expect, that BRDM armour is a little low. Hummer have better armour. U can't kill soldier in hummer with a single rifle. U need at least grende louncher. U can take BRDM with a few shoots from a rifle. U can shot a driver in BRDM. U can't shot it in hummer. I think that hummer armour should stay the same, and i also think that BRDM armour should be better.

(Edited by SpaceAlex at 10:31 pm on Dec. 10, 2001)

<span id='postcolor'>

Actually hummer's armour needs to go down and BRDM's up. Hummer is just a glorified jeep with very little protection. BRDM is a fully armour enclosed vihicle. meaning that you need at least .50 cal to penetrate it. Newer 7,62 AP ammo will probably penetrate BRDM in certain places, but such ammo was not avaliable in 1985 and still is not standard issue (due to price, high quality ammo is mostly for civilians who buy it with their own $).

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I agree Krechet1.

I agree with Captain Kickass too.

I have used it once, to test it when 1.30 came out, i drove round for 5 minutes in it, Since then i have never used it again, Its practicly useless.... the BMP is far better, It has armor smile.gif Guns, and more seats.

The only good thing about the BRDM is, That it moves quicker.

I also belive that the Hummer is useless too.

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Then i jeep is uselees too. Every unarmed vehicle is unseless for u. I think hummer is good for quick run. U can complete a mission by run over soldiers and u're in safe. Ther's nothing sweeter then a nice clean hummer.

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Doesn't worry me. I didn't have to pay for the upgrade. A freebie is a freebie.

And on the whole armour/penetration thing.... unfortunately that doesn't quite apply to OFP. Pure hitpoint system there, baby.

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SpaceAlex i tend not to use the Jeep unless i have no intention of killing things.

If i make a mission where someone who can kill me must die, I dont include them.

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I agree, the BRDM needs a gun. After all nato has a jeep with a gun, why not give the Russians some light vehicle with a gun?

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I frequently use jeeps and Humvees during multiplayer to get to different places.

As a sniper, I use jeeps to get high up on hillsides or into forests quickly. Otherwise, I just use them to take the long, less-traveled route to the enemy's flag. They're quick on the grass (which tanks and armor are not, especially going uphill), and they can get me in and out quickly and quietly.

They have their uses. You just need to know when to use them. Still wish the Humvees or BRDM had machine guns, though.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from 762WorldOrder on 1:21 am on Dec. 12, 2001

I frequently use jeeps and Humvees during multiplayer to get to different places.  

As a sniper, I use jeeps to get high up on hillsides or into forests quickly.  Otherwise, I just use them to take the long, less-traveled route to the enemy's flag.   They're quick on the grass (which tanks and armor are not, especially going uphill), and they can get me in and out quickly and quietly.  

They have their uses.  You just need to know when to use them.    Still wish the Humvees or BRDM had machine guns, though.<span id='postcolor'>

And Jeeps have much less of a noise signature as well, and no huge black/blue exhaust cloud. You'd be surprised how much easier it makes it to spot an armored vehicle that has the engine running.

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There is, in my opinion, nothing wrong with 'useless' vehicles. Just having a different model and slightly different handling characteristics adds a little variety to a game. BRDMs have a role with real armies, so they should have a role in OFP.

However ...

I do agree with modelling as accurately as possible. Most BRDMs are armed. Therefore it should be the same in the game. The game model appears to be a Hungarian FUG (which, by the way, I think I saw in the company of some BTRs near Eger, Northern Hungary, a few months ago).

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My general opinion is that ppl whining about the BRDM being useless, haven't understood that it should be compared to the humvee. If you compare it to the humvee you wil see it actually is quite cool: It is amphibious. In all other aspects it can do almost the same things hummer can, with the added bonus of beeing able to sail.

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