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Ai radio chatter

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I like how BIS gave each soldier a voice that was constant through the mission. What I think might add some realism is varied radio chatter and actually personality traits that react to what happends around them.

For example there can be different voice/personality archetypes for soldiers that can be randomly chosen or chosen by editor. These personalities can be rather simplistic:

-The typical soldier

-The tough guy

-The smart-ass

-The young kid

-The nice guy

So each personality can have multiple radio responses for different things. For example when hit by enemy fire their responses are different:

Tough guy: "Son of a bitch, Im hit"

Smart Ass: "CAn I get a medic here please?"

kid: "I...I...I...I'm hit...help me!"

Confirmation of attack order:

Tough: "He's as good as dead"

Smart Ass: "Sure thing boss"

Kid: "Yes sir" (In a very Unsure voice)

A downed squadmate:

Tough: "S#@$, #6 bit it!"

Smart Ass: "6 didnt keep his head down boss"

Kid: "Oh my god...#6...he's dead sir."

Detection of enemy-

Tough guy: "Commie at 4 O'Clock"

Smart Ass:" Bad Guy at 4 o'Clock"

Im sure you get the picture, these basic archetypes can be based off all the character themes we are familiar with in film.

To take it a step further the voices can have idle chatter that key off of eachother. For example:

The Tough guy is ordered to drive the truck for the squad-

Kid: "Are you sure you know how to drive this thing?"

Tough: "Don't make me break your neck punk."

Nice guy: "Calm down guys"

Soldier: "I'm low on ammo"

Smart Ass: "That's your own fault"

TOugh guy: "5 is down sir!"

Kid: "He's dead...oh god I'm gonna be sick!"

the list goes on biggrin_o.gif

It would also be cool if there was a large list of generic phrases to choose from in the editor menu. So that an editor can put speech driven story telling in his maps without the hassle of using a mic, using file converter, using lip sync, blah blah blah....

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I see where your coming from. One thing I would like to see is in game chatter i.e. if you drop behind cover next to a guy on your side he would make some passing comment to you. Or you run past your leutenant and he would hiss at you to stay sharp or something.

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Indigenous language chatter would be great, African dialects, vietnamese...etc, etc

Yep, it would be great. Hey! Maybe we can record our own voices to put ingame and have options.


For when you see an enemy:

*I see someone at 4 o clock

*What is that at 4 o clock?

*I like green sandwitches

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also have quiet squads, professional ones that slip along with hand signals and only whisper. Cue special forces variations.

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You know what I'd like? If you were the commander of a squad, you could tell them to keep radio silence and break radio silence. Why? Well because it really gets on my nerves when the AI report every single individual soldier in the area. It's constant:

"1 o'clock enemy soldier, 100"

"1 o'clock enemy soldier, 100"

"2 o'clock enemy AT soldier, 500"

"4 o'clock enemy Officer, 300"

Even worse with a chopper! Every 10 seconds they report the bugger! crazy_o.gif And if they have that annoying, high-pitched hill-billy voice... ooooh boy... crazy_o.gif

"EElivin a'clack, sowjur! Wuuun hundrid!"


Add radio silence and/or sort out enemy reports! PLEASE!

[Gareth Gates must die]

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Good idea! tounge_o.gif

But radio silence would be real good to have!

[Gareth Gates must die]

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