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Importing p3d into maya?

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anyone no how to import oxygen p3d models into maya as ive just got and cant for the life of me figure it out can some help

as its so much better than oxygen for modelling its just i have alot of stuff i dont want to have to remake just to alter a couple of things, do i need some sort of plugin or am ijust missiing something really obvious i know it can be done cause ive saw pics of the ofp west soldier model in it!

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anyone no how to import oxygen p3d models into maya as ive just got and cant for the life of me figure it out can some help

as its so much better than oxygen for modelling its just i have alot of stuff i dont want to have to remake just to alter a couple of things, do i need some sort of plugin or am ijust missiing something really obvious i know it can be done cause ive saw pics of the ofp west soldier model in it!

You cant import .p3d files in Maya for sure. But waht you can do is convert your model to an ?? .asc file ?? then convert it back to a .3ds file and improt it in maya. You use this by doing File>Send in O2.

Hope it helps!

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thanks quake just one thing this is in oxygen light anit it just as ive never noticed the send bit before.

ill let you know how i get on tonight thanks again

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nope tried to export it last night but maya wont bloody open asc, 3ds files instead its looking for something called maya ascii or something like that i also looked at a compatability table for may and it says it supprots obj which ive got a converter for p3d's but when i look there no obj option in the file type of both import and open parts of maya mad_o.gif  mad_o.gif  

why do i get the feeling im going to have to sereach for an obscure plugin or something mad_o.gif

anyone else got any ideas

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nope tried to export it last night but maya wont bloody open asc, 3ds files instead its looking for something called maya ascii or something like that i also looked at a compatability table for may and it says it supprots obj which ive got a converter for p3d's but when i look there no obj option in the file type of both import and open parts of maya mad_o.gif  mad_o.gif  

why do i get the feeling im going to have to sereach for an obscure plugin or something mad_o.gif

anyone else got any ideas

Search ASC converter to .3ds . You will be able to convert your asc file to a .3ds one!

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theres no option to open 3ds thats the problem becuase if there was i could just export straight from oxygen! mad_o.gifsad_o.gif

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thanks quake just one thing this is in oxygen light anit it just as ive never noticed the send bit before.

ill let you know how i get on tonight thanks again

Where did you get maya?

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I wouldnt waste my time on doing this,If you could model in maya than Im sure you could model in O2.

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I wouldnt waste my time on doing this,If you could model in maya than Im sure you could model in O2.

Hey!!! I'm a modeler , I just don't have maya. sad_o.gif

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the reason i want to use maya is because it is far supior to 0xygen, and yes i can model in oxygen how do you think i got my job at red hammer studios!!

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I wouldnt waste my time on doing this,If you could model in maya than Im sure you could model in O2.

Hey!!! I'm a modeler , I just don't have maya.  sad_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]I USE O2

Sorry !! I see I misunderstood somethin'


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I also use Maya for OFP modelling and animation. It is much

more versatile then O2. I can tell you for sure that it imports

OBJ. It also exports OBJ, but you have to load a plugin (ships with Maya) first. Go to Window > Settings/Preferences > Plug-in Manager... > load objExport.mll (the plugin). I use Right Hemisphere's "Deep Exploration" to convert the resukting OBJ to 3DS, so i can feed it to O2. You should be able to export to O2 your geometry, normals and UV mapping.

Anyway, there are plenty of file formats you can use to transfer data from O2 to Maya and viceversa, all you need is a file translator like "Deep Exploration".

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