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I strongly doubt that there will be a v1.40

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BIS seems to be done with Operation: Flashpoint.

They screwed up with holding back the SDK, and they screwed up with net-code.

There's no lifeline for OPF. Once a person gets bored of the game, there's absolutely nothing that will bring them back.

Even if BIS releases the SDK now, there will be very little groups out there that are still interested in OPF enough to create a MOD.

It might take OPF another year before the hype goes back up to what it once was.


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i assume that at some point all developers move on, doing new projects, that´s pretty normal i guess and nothing to worry about actually.

What a game makes is always the community it has, i´ve been in communities where the game didn´t even featured multiplayer and was NOT AT ALL SUPPORTED by it´s developer and publisher.

I´m talking about B17 II "The mighty Eight" that has the finest community i have ever seen.....there was no multiplayer...so what! We coordinated complete campaigns lasting several months via e-mail and the forum.

The game virtually was doomed to fail from the start, but a good community and it´s flexibility made something big out of it, that actually made fun and was quite immersing, running S2 Intel, Bombing Schools, Parade grounds etc....all via forum and e-mail.

With Flashpoint we have a magnitude of the possibilities and features B17 2 had, online play and all.....but a, from my point of view, lifeless, inactive and clueless  community. The problem is not Flashpoint itself but the people, that put no effort into anything. Most can´t  see the potential of OFP and what we actually got here.

(Edited by Satchel at 9:42 am on Dec. 10, 2001)

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You ever consider of the fact that they are not telling you s**t to keep it a secret...after all your not supposed to know what your getting for Christmas....

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At least 50% of the MOD teams never had a chance of delivering on their promise, because they wanted OFP to be something it simply isn't.

I'm talking about large city maps with lots of vehicles and people moving about, large indoor areas, role-playing MODs that were to feature spells, money, persistence, join-in-progress, and other things like that.

Not that any of this is bad, clearly there is some interest, but I think some of the teams simply dreamed too large. They were hoping that the OFP engine would provide the technology to implement all these things, and now the realization is sinking in that it will just not work.

Of the remaining teams and individuals who want to create a MOD, some will give up the wait, or have already done so. I doubt that all of them have, however, and there will certainly be renewed interest once the tools are released.

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What ever happen to good old mods of just new vehicles of any kind....who says we have to stick with 1985?.....but then again as I understood no one has been able to hack the game yet so they can make new stuff using lightwave and s**t......oh well it's a shame....allot you could do with this game......probably pretty hard though since these are modeled inside and out...

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I think they jinxed the game : They used the band lifeless. And they got a community that is that! LOL!

Anyway...heres something unrelated; You know that bastard game IL-2 Sturmovik thats just a mod - a little mod - for the game Echelon (bethesda)...I downloaded the cocksucking demo at 100 megs on my 56k and it plays just like Echelon with some mods to the graphics and sound...Har har. Dont bother with it!

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OFP Has all the potential to become the most played MP game ever.

Sad that many people cant realize it.

The game has the best Mission-editor since Starcraft, (which s a totally new thing for fps games like this).

The community has been larger, but it has, indeed, also been smaller. The forums at missmatch is coming up again. I noticed alot more activity there.

This is not to mention the superb fealing of a Clan battle. Im in SWAF, and it totally rocks to lay in a forest with ya binoculars and tell ya teammates where the enemy are. Not to mention killing a couple of people in a tank, while ya friends are about to storm a village, Its simply amazing!!!

Did you ever tryed a Clan war?? Using Voicecomm like Teamspeak (Dont use the ingame, cause it basically suck...takes too much bandwith), but for me, thats the only part of the game that suck.

The net-code has been improved significently. In 1.00, the players were updated maybe every 0.50 second at its best, and 10 seconds at its worst. Now its 0.05 at its best, and 2 seconds at its worst. This is awesome.

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I allmost forgot...

Theres a 1.35 patch coming here early December (which means not many days away), with improved netcode and mainly bug fixes.

After that a new patc will come with new weapons and vehicles.

Lets wait for christmas smile.gif

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I would like to point something out: This is not early December. This is December 11th smile.gif

On a second look.. is this Dec 10? My computer clock has failed on me AGAIN. Ok it still is early December, sorry about this.

WHAAA! Where´s the patch,  where is it!!confused.gif



(Edited by Hidden at 10:22 am on Dec. 10, 2001)

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Its still ealy december until december 15th where it becomes "medium december", which means mid-december for ya fools out there smile.gif

So just wait a few more days. And yes, its the 10th today, cause its my birthday tomorrow...i should know smile.gif

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Congratulation Espectro with your birthday.

and BTW: i have to toltal agree with you. i'm in a clan called WKK and we're partipating in several ladders and leagues. it's simply the most fun i ever had on my computer.

there's nothing here to beat the feeling of teamplay using voice-comm (mainly RW and TeamSound) in OFP!

OFP has the greatest potential, and the best of us knows this. a shame that some people can't wait a day or two to realise that.

BIS is at our full support, concidering that the game IS finished and released. they are fully prepared to make patches and are releasing tools that would help mod-makers.

this is more that enough to make this game the greatest MP ever.

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I'll still be playing OFP regularly two years from now, same way as I still play Total Annihilation skirmishes whenever I crave some decent RTS. I've played enough games to know the good from the bad and the ugly.

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I posted this response to another question on on OFP Network a while ago and I thinks it's pretty valid here...

" I think the OFP game AND community is still pretty strong...

DEAD RABBIT - The reason OFP Editing Centre nearly went offline, was because if anything, it was TOO popular. Their addon section just couldn't deal with the bandwith...

For me, OFP rejuvenated my faith in gaming...

Brief C.V. of gaming history ( all dates = ish ):

Early 1980 - Dodgy, nasty piece of a game console made of day-glo orange plastic - best game - Pong

1984 - Vic 20 (Christ... )

1986 - C64 ( My first introduction to Micropose - Gunship / Airborne Ranger / Red Storm Rising . Also Jet Set Willy & Last Ninja)

1992 - Amiga ( Interceptor / Tank Platoon... etc )

1999 - Finally succumed to a PC and all of the joys of online gaming... Bought Half Life and completed it in single player. Downloaded CS mod and began to play...

Nice, authentic weapon models i thought and then began... I had a person in my sights and suddenly he started jumping up and down like a demented rabbit, then a person started talking in that L337 speak and i immediately logged off and wiped the game from my hard drive. The same goes for Rogue Spear.. as soon as I see L337 speak i just can't be bothered.

BIS have at last created a game ( I'm aware of Wargasm ) that raises the watermark, that has done away with confined, A -> B -> C linear maps. A game that requires thought and ( GASP ! ) patience... ( = maturity ? ) AND it also asks questions of our current hardware / internet capeabilities - which IS good.

This is one of those rare games that you would think about buying a new system for.

I was reading the 'really hot' system requirments for Falcon 4:

450 mhz, 128 Ram 3-D graphics card with 8 mb

Your current system probably obliterates these requirments now ( if you have Falcon 4, dust it off, wack all of the details up to max - it looks, and handles a dream - what are your fps ?)

BIS was a small company that developed OFP over 4 years during which thay had problems with publishers. Now they have seen their game suceed and now have the resources ( if they wish ) to cement OFP as a brand, which will eventually lead to improved features as technology itself improves ( despite the hinderence of the British Tele-communication companies ).

Conclusion :

For a game of this AMBITION you have take the rough with smooth. You may very well have to bide your time before you can fully appreciate the all of the details and intricacies of multi - player ( I include myself here )

But it WILL be worth it - The community ( see Satchels sound mod / OFP Vietnam, etc ) and more importantly - BIS, won't let their work just die into game folklore ( look how often they respond to questions in thier forums).

The future is bright.

The future is OFP... "

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In my clan (spanish clan called EPP) we use teamsound when dsl has to host because we still don´t know how to host dsl with battlecom,does anyone know of a version which allows you to host dsl with battlecom?confused.gifconfused.gif

Happy Birthday Espectro

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Thx guys. Although my birthday is still tomorrow.

So, munkejens...That means u r danish...just like me smile.gif hehe

Well, im glad that alot of people, besides me, feal the great fealing of being part of a Mapping Tool"l squad when playing clan wars.

Sure people can say that they are part of a team in Rainbow 6, but its just not the same.

Just laying hidden in a forest with your binoculars. Seing enemy soldiers laying prone on ground, thinking they are safe.

Taking out a BMP with your law while you engage a town.

Literally bomb the s**t out of an enemy occupied town with your hind. Seing all those people running away, or driving in jeeps while you strafe them to death in the heli.

Its a powerfull fealing i have never encountered in any other game.

Sort of makes me hunger of a real war (j/k), but the fealing is there.

Aint it?

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from Xander on 4:01 pm on Dec. 10, 2001

In my clan (spanish clan called EPP) we use teamsound when dsl has to host because we still don´t know how to host dsl with battlecom,does anyone know of a version which allows you to host dsl with battlecom?confused.gifconfused.gif

Happy Birthday Espectro

<span id='postcolor'>

Hi There..

It depends on a version of DSL that you have. If you have a NAT version, i do no think that yuo would be able to host Batlecomm.

As for hosting, there were a server software for Battlecomm lying around somewere. The host should run the server software and then connect to his own server using the client.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from 84 Charlie MoPic on 3:59 pm on Dec. 10, 2001

Nice, authentic weapon models i thought and then began... I had a person in my sights and suddenly he started jumping up and down like a demented rabbit, then a person started talking in that L337 speak and i immediately logged off and wiped the game from my hard drive. The same goes for Rogue Spear.. as soon as I see L337 speak i just can't be bothered.

<span id='postcolor'>

Why let any person who speaks this idiotic way spoil your fun? Shoot them! :-)

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from Gaswell on 9:11 am on Dec. 10, 2001

All l337-speakers must perish...

<span id='postcolor'>

what on earth does this l337 stand for???

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l337 = Leet...short for "Elite".

Its a language geeks have come up with. They write the words with numbers that looks like letters. like:

4 = A

3 = E

7 = T

Its really stupid and nowadays its mainly kids that use it.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from Sergant San on 11:30 pm on Dec. 10, 2001

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from Xander on 4:01 pm on Dec. 10, 2001

In my clan (spanish clan called EPP) we use teamsound when dsl has to host because we still don´t know how to host dsl with battlecom,does anyone know of a version which allows you to host dsl with battlecom?confused.gifconfused.gif

Happy Birthday Espectro

<span id='postcolor'>

Hi There..

It depends on a version of DSL that you have. If you have a NAT version, i do no think that yuo would be able to host Batlecomm.

As for hosting, there were a server software for Battlecomm lying around somewere.  The host should run the server software and then connect to his own server using the client.

<span id='postcolor'>

I've got the latest server and client at home and can make them available for download if anyone is interested.

By the way, the guys that developed Battlecom got bought out by Microsoft, and developed the Microsoft GameVoice software, which relies on the DirectX DirectPlay APIs -- the same foundation that OFP uses for its built-in voice communications.

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