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How do i make a pilot eject?

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How do I make a pilot eject? I want him to eject from an A10, don't know if that makes a difference... rock.gif

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I'll answer that with another two questions for you to ponder:<ul>[*]Could this possibly be a question many have asked before and is answered in some of the sticky posts above?

[*]How would you go about searching these forums? (keywords: "pilot" and "eject")

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what other types of unitname action type things are there?

Well, what I want to know but I don't want to post something new for it because it takes up space, well, would be how do I get my soldiers to lay down mines on the road?

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what other types of unitname action type things are there?

Well, what I want to know but I don't want to post something new for it because it takes up space, well, would be how do I get my soldiers to lay down mines on the road?

Quote[/b] ]unit fire ["put", "Minee"] - to establish a mine, Minee-name of a mine ("Minee" Russian mine, "Mine" American) for engineers

Taken from the Mission Editing FAQ thread. I suggest you check it out, it has a lot of very useful tips.

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