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S.o.e mod

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what does s.o.e stand for rock.gif sony online entertainment tounge_o.gif

whats this mod about, any info rock.gif

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S.O.E = special operations executive, an organisation of primarily british spies and saboteurs set up during WW2 to 'Set Europe ablaze' according to Winston Churchill! Is this the same mod as the CI mod you were setting up?

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S.O.E. was also infiltrated by so many Russian spies that MI6 was reluctant to cooperate with this organization. smile_o.gif

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S.O.E. was also infiltrated by so many Russian spies that MI6 was reluctant to cooperate with this organization.   smile_o.gif

wtf are you talking about? rock.gif

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The Russians were already spying on the British in 40's. And MI6 already knew then that there were moles in SOE. For instance, in early 1941 it was most important for Stalin to know whether the British would continue to fight the Germans or make peace with them. Because if GB would choose the road of peace, Russia would be the next target... wink_o.gif

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So SOE is a ww2 mod?Or did you just have that ready in your head and soon as you seen SOE you let it all out?J/K

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Which one was SOE?, there were two, one American, one British. I thought SOE was the American one?. OSS ('Ofice of Stratigic Service' or simular?)was the British one no?..

Every organisation was riddled with Soviet moles around then, SIS(changed to from OSS/SOE after the war??) had Philby and Maclean. The Russians were the original spy masters...

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In the dark days that followed the fall of France a new volunteer fighting force was hastily improvised to wage a secret war against Hitler's armies. This force was called the Special Operations Executive (SOE) and their mission was sabotage and subversion behind enemy lines.

Sabotage meant blowing up trains, bridges and factories whilst subversion meant fostering revolt or guerrilla warfare in all enemy and enemy-occupied countries. On July 16, 1940, Prime Minister Winston Churchill appointed a civilian, Hugh Dalton, to be SOE's political master and then promptly ordered him to 'set Europe ablaze!'

(Source : http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/war/wwtwo/soe_01.shtml)

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ok, soe is a seperate mod from cim (i still need help with) that i have been drafted in to help with as admin

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