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Trigger action

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As most ppl are after more and more realism with this game. One thing that I noticed with OFP is that it does not make any difference to the accuracy of a rifle whether you pull and hold the trigger or just snap at it as fast as you can. I hope in OFP2 it will be possible to affect the accuracy of a rifle depending on if you hold the button in for a good 1 Sec or just snap at the button. I know that at the rifle range if I just pull and release the weapon my score takes a nose dive... whilst holding the trigger for a second improves my score.... My 2 cents blues.gif

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good idea how do you do that with a mouse? if i hold down the button for 1 second then my gun fires i dont think i would like it. although if you had analogue buttons like the ps2 or GC you could do that and it would be quite cool

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A rifles' trigger is not analogue either... it would be classed as digital.   It shoots or it doesn't... there is no half shoot/bullet speed setting.   (Ignoring rifles that have two stage triggers... for single shot/auto etc but that is another story)  And  I am not talking about squeeze versus pull debate.  I am talking about when you pull the trigger the gun fires instantaneously....  then hold the trigger for a 1 count so not to move the barrel.   It does affect the way you shoot if you just pull and release compared to pull and hold and release... and It would be more prominent on sniper rifles.   You do not need a analogue mouse button to emulate this feature.....a very small feature but since time is on our side...might be worth adding.  It would slow down the ppl with sniper rifles who fire them at almost automatic rifle speed and maintain a very high accuracy.

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fine, but one second is too long. In some of the shoots I've done, more than 1 aimed shot per second is required - but you still apply all the marksmanship principles. In any case, this would mean modifying the accuracy of the projectile after its been fired in game.

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Yes you are correct 1 sec is a tad long.... but it is a starting point for BIS to toy with.  This feature seems an easy marksmanship principle to program in.  However it all depends on the graphic engine BIS are using if it is easy to do.  as I said it is not big issue... but we have a little time to incude some of the little things in the game to make it a well rounded Tactical/Military sim...  biggrin_o.gif

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personally, when i shoot, i pull the trigger and do not expect anything to happen, then suddenly it fires.

to simulate it with a mouse button seems a bit tricky. first, mouse button does not have differential pressure indicating ability, which i believe is crucial to this aspect.

second, if we utilize mouse pressed event, then the physical feedback from our fingers to our brain is opposite of what happens with real trigger. when you shoot, you press the trigger until it let's go of hammer/firing pin, while pressing the mouse button and releasing it is other way around.

again, this would be solved if there is a mouse that can identify differential pressure

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personally, when i shoot, i pull the trigger and do not expect anything to happen, then suddenly it fires.

That is not the part of Marksmanship principles I am referring to... yes you are correct when you squeeze the trigger you don't try and preempt the bang it just happens. However you also have to allow the bullet time to leave the barrel and the effects of the gasses leaving the barrel. This takes a finite amount of time and is part of the "follow through". Plus there are all those other principles ..etc breathing, use both eyes, don't hold boom stick too tight, set yourself up in the natural alignment etc. But an easy one to program would be the pull...hold... release... that is all. Most of the others would need special equipment and I am not into buying new stuff just for a game...

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A bullet leaves the barrel with a muzzle velocity of ~800m/s. After 1sec it would already be >500m away...

With a barrel length of ~0.5m and assuming a linear acceleration of the projectile inside (=> avrg. speed 400m/s), it would be out after ~1.25ms.

The only significant amount of time is the mechanical action from squeezing the trigger until the ignition of the bullet.

Unfortunatly I can't find any numbers on that, but I would assume it is <0.2sec.

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Well, make it easy. Just increase barrel jump due to recoil on a quick click. Maybe not exactly the real effect, but close enough and still gives a bonus to realistically slow shooter.

The reason you want to squeeze the trigger slowly is that a quick jerk will cause outher muscles to move, reducing accuracy. Since we can't emulate this with current hardware, giving a penalty on the next shot is the second best thing to do.

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The obvious solution, not mentioned yet, would be to fire the round when the mouse button is released, not when it is pressed (with the space bar acting as a 'cancel shot' button). This would however break down in full-auto fire.

Although this ties in with the ideas in other threads, with regards to activating the sights by holding down the right mouse button rather than pressing 'v' to toggle them on or off; the longer you have the sights up, the more accurate your shot.

Personally, I'd love to see proper 3D sights, rather than the current 2D silhoutte, but that's another topic entirely.

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