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What MOD do you want to see!

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What kind of story/theme do you want to see for a OFP MOD, we need suggestions for our next project.

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Would be kewl to add the new "Land Warrior" system...complete with camera usage amongst players...sure it would be tought to get working correctly, but would be worth the effort.

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Well i would like to see what ruskie said something like china and russia declare war on rest of world so another WW but without nukes

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Land Warrior would require new programming. Also, isn't that kinda a disadvantage to those who do not have land warrior? Considering you can look around corners with only your gun visible, I think so.

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I did landwarrior a while ago one when i was learning scripting, id have to tweak it up with some of my newer techniques and itd be sweet if you guys really want it, it would be easy for me to do it:)

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Jurassic park mod.

I'd love to go through the dense forest, fighting off raptors and stuff with my small squad. It'd be cool :cool:

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What about "The Predator".

A s**t load of technically advanced aliens start hunting both sides. Instead of fighting each other the Allies and Ruskies eventually have to pull together in order to survive and escape the island!



Swap the Aliens for those Giant Land Worms that are sensitive to noise vibration!

I also liked Aaron Kane's Jurrassic Park idea but make it like the sequel with the soldiers on Safari!

However, I think xxxvader just wanted ideas that could already be created within the limits of the Editor!

How about this then....

World War 3 has been and gone! They used Nukes! These islands are all that is left of the living world (Maybe Ice caps melted, a la Waterworld!) and its survivors are divided into factions (remnants of the Russian and American military that were based there when war broke out), fighting over the last of humanity's resources. (Should be fun stealing the last few gallons of fuel on the Island to get the edge over your opponents with your tank etc..)

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from Aaron Kane on 1:53 am on Dec. 21, 2001

Jurassic park mod.

I'd love to go through the dense forest, fighting off raptors and stuff with my small squad.  It'd be cool :cool:

<span id='postcolor'>

So you have never heard of X-Isle before? It has beautiful graphics if you have a GeForce card. You can download tech demoes on their website:


The only reason I tell you this is because X-isle´s terrain engine kicks OFP´s butt anytime, anywhere. But OFP is 1000x bigger, and it is two completely different kind of games. You´ll love the tech demos, though smile.gif


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