CanisDEK 1 Posted December 21, 2001 OFP is claimed to have many problems but I'm not going to mention all of them here... just the main problem. This problem is ruining the games of public servers, and the problem is not in the software of OFP... The problem is PLAYERS! OFP is a war sim, huge landscapes, vehicles etc. The game is not supposed to just be played in half hour games (although DM can be fun once in a while). I have made the following map that requires TEAMPLAY, and at least a hour or at best two. The map is based on CTF. - Two bases with weapons, a medic tent and two squads on each side (East/West). - The base is 1 minutes run from the town where the flag is, but respawn is only delayed 3 seconds. - Near the town where the flag is there is a respawnable transport helicopter. Each side has such a helicopter and the only other vehicle is a civil plane at an abandoned airport to the north (the plane is also respawnable). - The teams have no AA weapons, but at the airport, at an abandoned camp and at an outpost there can be found AALaunchers. - The map is based on infantry combat, but the helicopters is meant to be used for insertion (perhaps paratroopers) and extraction. - The bases are far enough away to make running away with the flag hard and slow... but not impossible.... the helicopters are needed. - This requires teamwork of course and planning as there is only ONE helicopter on each side... attacks and defending must be planned ... not just some rambo every man for himself. - The mission was made with gameplay in mind and teamwork. When people have joined the server I have told them that this is not a vehicle fest where every person has his own tank, plane or whatever... And still people don't quit the server until the game has started. That waste of my time really pisses me off. Me and the other players who actually want to play have our fun totally ruined by these morons who expect some quake like action mayhem with countless of vehicles. When someone finelly has gotten the flag, but the helicopter was shot down, he cries "OMG this sux... I have to walk all the way... I hate this moronic mission" Instead of just saying "This is Black one, behind enemy lines... I request extraction fast. I'll be in the forest north of the enemy flag base... come get me guys". Many players complain that OFP is not all it can be (and of course it's not until a few more patches), but still they refuse to add something to the gameplay themselves! THIS IS OFP... the game isn't as simple as Quake, and playing it requires that you do something else than just running like a headless chicken towards the enemy flag. People want vehicles... lots of them. Not that they add to the gameplay of the particular map... but then they can just fool around and play for themselves. When they are done doing that they come here and complain that OFP has no purpose, that the game is boring, that... oh my..... Another thing is that when you seek people on gamespy everyone is so anxious to begin that id the game isn't started 10 seconds after they enter the room the cry GO GO GO GO and leave when I tell them that we need a proper team for this map. Christ people if you want to have fun in OFP you NEED to spend the time it takes to set up the game. When you find a map like mine that isn't just like all the other maps you have played.... try to think and see the gameplay options put into the map. Plan with your squad, talk, find out how to defend and how to attack. I assure you that there are plenty of gameplay options and strategic options in the mission.... the map might smell of simplicity but EVERY d*amn thing put on the map was put there for a purpose.... NOTHING was just placed for the #### of it. The locations of the bases, the flags, the neutral resources etc. was placed at special locations. Oh this rant is over... sorry I just got a little frustrated when I think of what OFP could have been if just the players would let it! If someone from europe with a decent ping wants to play let me know... I havent lost all hope yet And if there is some people with not so good pings we'll have a game with fewer players... I don't care as long as you'll promise me that you won't leave after 2 minutes when the game was set to last two hours. And as long as you want to play, work with your team and use the options and resources at your disposal the best you can to defeat the enemy. PS: BIS the new patch was nice... another improvement. IMO there is still work to do, but still consider this a compliment as I see OFP as a project no man would dare to start. Peace †«˘ăńî$»†of Squad ĄDEKĄ (Edited by CanisDEK at 3:20 am on Dec. 21, 2001) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FUBAR 0 Posted December 21, 2001 I agree with you 100%, it is nice to actualy play a game where everyone else aint running around blasting the F@ck out of everyone and everything. OFP is a team game and a thinking game but there are some players that can not it seems adjust from games like Quake, Unreal, Half Life, ie slow down and think about what they are going to have to do to compleat the said mission. You can always e-mail me when you want a game (if Im free that is)I'll PM my e-mail Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hidden 0 Posted December 21, 2001 Sometimes your AI team work pretty well with you. Did a mission earlier tonigh (yes I am late up.. Red Hammer kills my sleep), only me and a wounded tank crew. We had to get hold on a supply truck, and AMERICAN truck.. We spotted 5-7 guards. After sneaking up on them from a hill, I put the crew guy about 130m from their position and moved a bit furter myself. Then gave him open fire at the same time as I did the same from another direction. We were two, they were at least 7. Only 2 of them reached the ground and opened fire but we killed them as well in seconds. Then we went around to the back of the buildings, threw a couple grenades, no movements. At this point I was very excited as we were closing in on the buildings, checked left, right, left, right as we very carefully moved towards the front. I told the crew guy to move to the corner of the house, so he did. I moved up to cover him, and as we came around the corner, I saw two guards glued to he wall in a corner... they never had a clue what happened, though.. *GRIN* My crew guy behaved as supposed to all the time, and I had this great feeling we were working together as a team. I know he is only an artifical soldier, but still. It was very cool. God I need more fresh air.. LOL Can´t wait to finally get to play online without too much lag. AI gets boring afer a while, even though they are very smart sometimes. I have never played any other game as much as OFP, no doubt, not even Delta force 2 or Deus Ex. Hidden Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
erfworm 0 Posted December 21, 2001 Now you guys are the guys I like to play OFP with. I love team based action. Chopper Insertions with your buds covering you while you sneak up on the enemies flag. I wish everyone understood this concept. Lata Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CanisDEK 1 Posted December 21, 2001 I just played the map with five other guys from Game Spy. No one left as I explained the situation very carefully before starting the game. d*amn it was fun. 3vs3 but we had all the AI enabled. Two officers on each side with five AI and four AI and the last player. The insertion, paradropping and extraction was really fun. There was no lag. We played the first game and one hour later the result was 1-1. On the secon game I lost connection after 20 minutes, for some reason and the players were dropped... too bad and now I'm too tired to start a new game. d*amn this is actually the first time after I got tired of lag and bugs that I have had fun with OFP MP.... Sweet Good Job on the patch BIS... I don't know if the MP parachuting was fixed in 1.40 or if it also was in 1.30... but man it's just great. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
amos m 0 Posted December 21, 2001 I have also been getting quite peeved with ppl on gamespy that don't remember that we play teams. Most of the time we can't even get an agreement on what map we play. I just wanna play some good ofp, with other ppl. I hate havin' everyone jump in a tank or a helo and just take off alone, leaving you to either hot foot it or jump in a tank alone yourself to get to where you think other ppl might be, only to get there and have no support or cover. I live in aus, and I only got a 56k , so you probably wouldn't enjoy playing with me. Do you think you could post your map somewhere though. It sounds really koowul. Just the sorta thing I'm lookin for in ofp. I'd love to get some buddies together (after chrissie when ppl aren't so busy....tap tap tap) and give this map a go. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CanisDEK 1 Posted December 21, 2001 Sure. Our squad also plays Ghost Recon and I have made some new gametypes and missions for that game as well. I'm currently working on a mod for GR and the mod should be available on our home page as it is needed to play on our servers (when we have it activated). I think our talented web master is working on a download section, so there you'll also be able to find my OFP maps. If you post your e-mail here I'd be happy to send it to you.... it's not that big really (150Kb). The mission has no AI waypoints so it is only playable online. I don't know if I'll change this as making the AI move like they should would be quite difficult as there are three other locations where usefull assets can be found. Either the AI would use a fairly simple movement pattern or I would have to do lots of work. I'm not sure if I care about this as I mostly play online. Anyway post your e-mail an I'll send it to you. Later you can check back at for new missions I make. I think I'll make a series of missions at differen locations on all three maps using the setup for this one. You should check under our Ghost Recon section/downloads. It's not up yet though Share this post Link to post Share on other sites