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Arma 3 Creator DLC: Expeditionary Forces

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Official Announcement


It comes with new assets

- LPD-36 Takmyr: Landing Platform Dock)

- Combat Boat: A CB-90 clone

-LCC-1: A new landing craft. It looks base md on a french EDA fast catamaran labding craft.

-AAV-9 "MACK": A reboot of the failed USMC Expeditionary Fighting Vehicle

-AH-99J Python: a Marines version of the AH-99 attack helicopter with new features and increased weapon capabilities.

-New Hunter Variants: including Fire Support, AT, SHORAD versions

- New Faction 

-SP Mini campaing Cyclone Resolute

-New MP COOP mission:Rope in Hand

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Very cool, I myself love the "not-so-futuristic" ("retro futuristic" even?) setting of vanilla A3, but sadly like every other paid mod cDLC it's going to live in it's own bubble, and hardly anyone will buy it. It's not a big problem for the dedicated Cold War/Vietnam DLCs, which are kinda made with "standalone" use concept in mind, but it's very punishing for Western Sahara, Reaction Forces, and I suppose Expeditionary Forces will soon join the fray. A shame, because there's some great stuff in those.


At least we're getting some SP content with that though.

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  On 11/5/2024 at 1:03 PM, krzychuzokecia said:

Very cool, I myself love the "not-so-futuristic" ("retro futuristic" even?) setting of vanilla A3, but sadly like every other paid mod cDLC it's going to live in it's own bubble, and hardly anyone will buy it. It's not a big problem for the dedicated Cold War/Vietnam DLCs, which are kinda made with "standalone" use concept in mind, but it's very punishing for Western Sahara, Reaction Forces, and I suppose Expeditionary Forces will soon join the fray. A shame, because there's some great stuff in those.


At least we're getting some SP content with that though.

it's also true that it's the same old story, in Arma 3 everything is made for Blufor and nothing for OPfor,
make a CDLC Russian Armed Forces 2035 and give a decent Opfor to the game you know how you sell it.

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