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Bhd: any in progress?

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With the release of the fabulous BAS blackhawks, is anyone making a BHD mission that would incorporate them?

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Yeah, make your own, is a cuple of mods around, but they seem to go a bit slow, like any other mod, understandable anyway.

The most of the stuff is around, deltas, rangers, litle birds, black hawcks, UN troops, Somali militia, a cuple of vehicles for the militia( We could do with more) we even have a Mogadishu terrain, what else do you need? something ellse, surelly, but I can't think.

The only problem is that the Deltas and Rangers of them times where a bit different than now, but who cares.

BTW this should be in the missions section of this forums.

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Instead of doing a mission based on the mission that is covered in the book and movie "Black Hawk Down", someone should do a little research about other missions that occured before that mission.

I think i would find those missions much more interesting.

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Instead of doing a mission based on the mission that is covered in the book and movie "Black Hawk Down", someone should do a little research about other missions that occured before that mission.

I think i would find those missions much more interesting.

Uhm hmm search and assasination missions? (gunrunners etc.)

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