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nordin dk


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What the #### is this password fad. Every second server

is password protected.

As if it wasn't enough that you can waste an entire evening trying to play at least one good mp-game.

God knows the hours spent waiting for some turds to leave the pool

- or waiting for a game to end only to watch everybody go "gg" and then leave

- or having one lousy hpb with a 486 and 12k modem spoil the whole game

- or being surrounded by soldiers running on the spot due to some mysterious timewarp in the game

- or once again going through the "finally-we-can-play-but-once-in-the-game-some-chopper-crashes-for-no-reason" blues...

-or having to listen to some excommunicado argue with his old clan who's the biggest a**hole

-or being shot in the back by a team-member

-or wasting a good ctf because some d**khead ran off with the flag and joined the foreign legion. What's the fun in that I ask?

-or screaming at some 12 year old who parked his t80 in the respawn zone and is happily killing everyone as they respawn. WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY???

...but now I'm even deprived of all those wonderful experiences.

To all you morons with passwords. Give it up. There aren't enough decent servers out there for you to be all high and mighty and "ooh-our-cool-clan-has-to-train" or "we-only-play-with-other-people-from-the-same-country" or whatever the f**k reason you have.

Whop-de-doo....then I found a server, only to learn they only had maps that served a max. of 12 players, and of course there were 15 other poor fools like myself in the pool. GET MORE MAPS YOU LOWLIFE PUNKS at ngi.it !!

Lordy, then I found another server, but this only had huge 2_800 co-op missions with childish attempts to stuff all the fu**ing hardware they could find into a small battlefield. What gives?

Thank you lord, I found another. Even in my own country. I logged on anticipating a game. But lo and behold, two morons had joined the server and then left for a night on the town, leaving me staring at their ghost names in the pool, waiting in vain for more to join so we could boot the bastards...but that never happened.

I only want to play this game, which is so fun, is that too much to ask?

MP is great under the right circumstances, and once you finish the campaigns, MP is the thing.

I want it...

sooo bad



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Jeps, og det var desvćrre pĺ wkk's server at jeg endte med at sidde og glo pĺ de to idioter der ikke var der.

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Vi danskere burde finde sammen nĺr vi vil spille. Jeg er med i DEK... vi spiller DFLW og Ghost Recon fordi OFP ikke fungerede ordentlig i MP. OFP er dog blevet bedre og jeg og et par andre fra DEK spiller det stadig til tider. Problemet er at der tit er en eller anden fra sydpolen der logger pĺ serveren, sĺ det lagger ad helvede til. Jeg hoster kun CTF og har et par afbalancerede maps til 2-20 spillere. Jeg kan huske du var pĺ vores server Munkejens dengang fřr 1.20 smile.gif ... men lad os da finde ud af noget.

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hehe. ja, jeg husker selv de tider smile.gif den gang křrte spillet VIRKELIG dĺrligt. version 1.1...hehehe

nordin: hvis du stopper med at kalde os for idioter, ville du vćre meget velkommen til at spille med os.

du mĺ bare forstĺ, at det er normal kotume at lĺse serverne hvis vi vil spille alene (hvilke vi gřr MEGET sjćldent - faktisk kun nĺr vi spiller CW).

at to blev hćngende i lobbyen er ikke fordi de ville genere dig, det sker bare at der hćnger ghost hvis folk ikke har de rigtige addons.

vi er meget gćstfrie hos WKK, sĺ drop beskyldningerne at folk ikke vil lade dig spille og log ind pĺ WKK.dk

jeg mener stadig at jeg har dig, Canis, i ICQ. men til nordin er mit #: 127288055

ellers check pĺ www.wkk.dk --> Server info om der er nogen der spiller.

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Jeg er nu glad for jeg selv er i en clan. SWAF. Hvor der hele tiden er folk at spille med.

Jeg har opgivet at spille pĺ WKK, pga de gange jeg har vćret derinde, var der tomt.

Men sĺdan er det.

btw. Er jeg den eneste som ik kan spille pĺ boomtown serverne??

Munkejens, det kunne da vćre sjovt at spille lidt, jeg adder ogsĺ lige dig til mit icq...

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your moaning about all these inconsiderat people in ofp mp and then you star t talking in danish on a english forum???

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Yes that was rude tounge.gif ... English is the universal language but we couldn't find the danish forum. If you like I'll be happy to translate everything to you but I assure you it was just friendly talk about how nice it would be to play with other danes to keep the pings low. Of course we will continue this on ICQ or Messenger so the rest of the world isn't bothered by our babaric language wink.gif

My ICQ: 97458683 if there are other danes who wish to play OFP in a more organized way without being in a squad.


(Edited by CanisDEK at 1:59 am on Dec. 19, 2001)

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actually, this forum is under MAIN! and NOT under english. that means that this forum is concidered as universal forum for what ever we would like it to be.

stop bothering about one single thread in danish and read the others (when it is in danish, you should know that it isn't meant for you).

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Well, ok. I'll wil continue is english, so that you can read our conversation which is of no interest to you anyway...


Munkejens, I was not dissing the wkk server, just the two people blocking it at the time. The wkk server is one of my absolute favorites, as it is very stable.

I dont have much time to play, so when a whole night went by without a single good mp game, I got so frustrated...

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I agree with Munkejens, If the Germans, French, Dutch or what ever wish to post in their own language then so be it, there is no rule saying all posts must be conducted in English, lets face it, not everyone can type in english too good, so they would be able to explaine their problem or issue in the own language, and receive a reply in their own language.

I applaude all of you that have the ability of useing a second language, unlike those of us that can not be bothered to learn, and you should never appolagize for useing your native language, if anything we should be the ones appolagizing for expecting you to speak English, no matter what country you come from.

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I wasn't apologizing but perhaps my sarcasm was a bit too vague smile.gif anyway now after the rerun of The Julekalender we have a middle ground... Oh I think I can use that in another afsnit.

So if we alle could just snak the sprog we all could forstĺ then there ville not vćre a problem. This her post is getting gammel and I just want to spille some OFP with mennesker that bor close to mig so their pings are gode. Anyvej happy nytĺr to jer alle.

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