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Fade probs since 1.3

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Since I upgraded to 1.3, FADE is activating on my MP lan games. "playername is using an alt config file... remember original games don't fade" I bought the game and am sharing one CD between the two computers. Why is it fading now?

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It has been fading when sharing one cd since the first patch to version 1.20, or if you bought 1.20, for most folk.

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So it requires a Cd for each computer now? I must have missed that in the readme.

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that wont work smile.gif

if yo can afford two computers then you can afford TWO CDs

other wise you wont get any more support here

(Edited by RN Malboeuf at 1:44 pm on Nov. 21, 2001)

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By law you can install the program once and then make a backup, using the second copy voids it as a backup, it doesn't matter whether you use them individually, the backup must not be active in any way shape or form.

I can't see why FADE would activate unless you use both of them together, if so then that's your own fault =).

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I don't want to violate the license, I just want to know if I have to have a CD for each computer or not? This is rare, any multi-player game we've played in the past let you have just one on the LAN (AOE, StarCraft, etc). It seems like they changed their license agreement requiring a CD per player since the updates. None of you have really confirmed that. Where is the staff?

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The License Agreement remains unchanged, and is printed in the manual. You are permitted to use the game on a single PC.

The fact that there was no functional check for a violation of the License Agreement in earlier version of the game is irrelevant.

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I have paid for 3 copies for my 3 PC's and I do not regret it.

I have informed my 3 best buds to get the CD and they have. We now play together very well.

If you cannot afford the game, start earning some money on the side junior.

Legally, that is.

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Is there actual FADE in the game, ie is it becoming unplayable, i have seen this message loads of times and my game is just fine, ghost players can make this message appear so if your not actually seeing any FADE then your game is not FADING.

As usual a non helpfull answer from Malboef........

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if yo can afford two computers then you can afford TWO CDs

other wise you wont get any more support here


originally posted by RN Malboeuf

You're repeating yourself as often as you can (aren't you?) - OK - I have two PC's and i bought 2 CD's

(what a luck, that i have the money to buy 2 PC's and

2 CD's) - most people, having 2 PC's (even combined to

a small LAN) have an old and a new PC (then they thought, why to get off the old PC, when they could

still use this one for MP playing with some mates)

Also most people don't read the license agreement

(they just clicking on the "OK" button to procceed with

their game install and get finally to play their new game)

Then there comes a mate to their home, they think,

hmm - i've seen there's also MP option for this game,

let's give it a try - then they gettin a message "original

games do not fade" - then they e.g: post a reply here -

then you come and tell them: bla bla bla and you won't

get anymore support here - plz Malboeuf: let BIS or

Codies decide, whom they will still support or not.

I think they would never say to him, after this post,

that he's now off from playing OFP and it was his fault

and his bad luck. Your always telling them: if you can

afford 2 PC's you can afford 2CD's (as you can see, not

everyone can or want do so). I for myself think, that

they did a miss, by getting LAN players to a multiple

CD-key must (maybe even they think so).

I wrote an e-mail to Codies and asked for that, and

their answer was just: thank you for your question -

yes you can use the CD on both PC's (and they totally

forgot to tell me, that FADE would activate). For my

luck i bought a 2nd CD to get off all risks.

I also know, that not to know would not prevent

of being illegal, but what you do is playing Codemasters

or BIS (you aren't one of them).

Just watch the last post from Thundercock - this is the

right answer, like it should be, not what you always

saying (if you can afford 2 PC's bla bla bla)

Sorry for my agressive way of typing, but it must be

one time.

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Paying for another copy is bulls**t

just do this trick


run and then type regedit

the cdkey should be located here

HKEY_localmachine/Software/codemasters/operation flashpoint

do a search for KEY in the Operation flashpoint folder and vollia.

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