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Dear ofp dt,can we have this in ofp2 tanks?

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thats cool but did they have that kind of fancy stuff in nam and africa?

Not sure what kind of map the right screen is but the left green screen seems to be a thermal image.

Even if thermal imaging did not exist back in the 60s and 70s, it would be nice if OFP2's engine supported addons that can offer a thermal imaging view. This has been requested by lots of people for a long time.

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Yes, atleast the capability to do thermal imaging would be really nice. I really hope they put technology in the engine that wasn't around in the 70s, because I really don't want to be stuck back then technology wise.

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That screen is from M-1 Tank Platoon II. A very good tank sim back in the day, and I still even play it now and again. smile_o.gif

I too would like to see a "gunsight" capability that equates to a standard gunners optics view, plus a seperate "special" sight picture which would allow for simulation of IR spotlights (which many vehicles had in the '70s) and for thermal sights (which would benefit late-era tanks and vehicles).

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that map on the right looks like an IVIS display. i dont know what it stands for or how it works but i know its about sharing battlefield information about enemy locations

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btw isnt that a night vision display? anyway thermal imaging would be very nice also the display on the night vision goggles should be improved its not realistic but quite frankly its so bad i just turn them off and use a mark 1 eyeball Ghost recon has the ideal NV display bright enough to see yet grainy enough to make you believe youre wearing goggles

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In OFPs NVDs some things are shown as thye would be with light amplification and other things appear as if they are thermal imaging (puffs of smoke etc.).

I would like BIS to look more into flare effects when using NVGs and include them to be availible in the game (via equipping a soldier with them in mission editor) even if they are not used in the game as they were not invented yet!

I would quite like a selection of optical devices to be available that could be carried, mounted on weapons (starlight MG scopes) and combined with others. have small tripods for observers etc. With the improved camo system (no instant illumination due to firing a weapon) that WILL COME in ofp2 ;-) we should actually have a use for snipers.

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Thermal imaging has been around since before WWII ;)

You got any links for that?

Ontopic, I would like the default tanks to be realistic to the intented era but I would like the game engine to be able to support modmakers to implement Thermal Imaging, IR and IVIS

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"Vampir" ZG 1229 Infrared System

"The Vampir system consisted of a "black" spot light, one component of its active infrared system, fixed atop the impressive StG-44 assault rifle. Below this infrared light was a range finder that could detect the light emitted by the IR lamp. Since this light was invisible to anyone not equipped with the system it gave a massive edge over relying on flashlights and flares for illumination. The system mounted on the gun was linked by insulated wire to a heavy battery pack and simple control box that the soldier wore in place of his normal gear. Think of it as a very crude analog to today's "OICW" system being developed by the United States. It could transform a normal soldier it one capable of fighting in complete darkness, be it a cave or a moonless night, without revealing his position. "

German Panzer with topmounted IR


Info on it here

More info

These are all WWII systems but IR was developed before then.

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