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I released OFP Watch 1.00 today/yesterday.. Yes, they have all been betas up to now :-)

Just click the flashing link button in your old OFP Watch to upgrade or download from OFP Watch home.

Version 1.00 final 2003-Dec-09

OFP Watch went final, about time eh? Added several options in the Config menu. It's now possible to turn file scanning and Auto-Addon off (for you people never playing against addon servers). It will now minimize to the system tray icon and it will remain running after launching OFP by default. Files installed by Auto-Addon will now get the correct date. The News & messages window was changed from a text box to a HTML view, well I just wanted to try some technology.


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This is unrelated to OFP Watch but in regards to 1.94 and Mod folders, isn't 1.94 supposed to check to see that the server and the client are using addons and mod folders that have the same content and if not give a message? If so it seems it is just as unreliable as file check.

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This is unrelated to OFP Watch but in regards to 1.94 and Mod folders, isn't 1.94 supposed to check to see that the server and the client are using addons and mod folders that have the same content and if not give a message? If so it seems it is just as unreliable as file check.

No, it isn't. You only have the option to disallow all clients that have a different modfolder setup than the server. Even so no automatic checking is done.

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where is that option loacated benu?

and for another guy who is wondering .........does a linux server use a bat file that can be edited just like windows?

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where is that option loacated benu?
It is located in the server.cfg. The option is called:<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">equalModRequired=1;This means that if you start your server with ./server -mod=zinco then only players starting their ofp client with -mod=zinco can connect. Players using -mod=zinco;something_else will not be able to connect, players using no modfolder at all will not be able to connect either (they HAVE to use the same folder "zinco" as the server does).
Quote[/b] ]and for another guy who is wondering .........does a linux server use a bat file that can be edited just like windows?

What do you want to do? Linux has stuff like .bat files too, they are called shell scripts. Or any other scripting language. BIS put a nice script called "ofpserver" into the linux dedicated server package with the newer versions (it is in 1.94, not sure if it has been in 1.92). This is the linux equivalent of a windows .bat file.

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A.I.N. & OfPOnline Server

password: racing


it runs RacePack and Sebnam, with more nam addons...


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I released Auto-Addon Server 1.25 yesterday.

The new feature is that it will cache information about each package in a separate temp-file. When rebuilding the server information block, it only has to (re-)download the packages changed or added. As the administrator you get to choose what packages to download.

The first you rebuild the information block with 1.25 it's going to download all packages as usual but the following updates will be faster due to the cached information.

To upgrade just replace the old executable and restart. It's available for both Linux and Win.

OFP Watch (and Auto-Addon Server) home

A few of you who have already been beta testing this version for two weeks now don't need to upgrade.

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Excellent Certa. That'll save a lot of bandwidth when updating the odd package every now and then.

Now, for a few suggestions/wishes:

<ul>[*] Support for other archive formats than zip (rar, tar.gz and tar.bz2 for example. The 7zip format (lzma) would be even better)

[*] Command line parameter for the linux server to create PID files (comparable to the ofp server's -pid=somefile.pid, for example)

[*] Ability to specify the config file instead of the default autoaddon.ini. This in order to run more than one server on a machine.

[*] Specify where to download the packages for examination (to a temp dir, for example)

[*] Well, basically, make it look like a real unix server program instead of a DOS port. wink_o.gif

Hmm... I knew I had more in mind but cant think of them ATM.


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Rar or ace would be cool indeed as they seem to be packing pbos smaller sometimes. But i can also live with zip.

I also would like to see an "always no" option to the -renew flag, when i want to update only one package or want ofp watch to only download the new ones. As i have 30 packages in ofp watch it is tiresome to hit "y" 2 times and then 28 times "n".

I don't really see the need for a pidfile, but i wouldn't mind such an option if others need it.

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Two bad errors!

When implementing some new features I found two nasty bugs that survived the 1.25 beta period. Even if 1.25 probably works 99% of the time I've taken it offline and I will upload a fixed 1.26 later tonight.

When answering yes to (A)ll, the raminaing packages may get a random status of (Y)es or (N)o for download. Also, all examined packages remain in the server process folder. It fail to delete the package (at least on Windows) after examination due to that the file is locked by an internal unzip object.

Sorry for this.

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ZEUS Addon Server now features OFPWatch Auto-Addonserver, too.

To celebrate this wonderful improvement there will be a coop night on Saturday, Jan. 10th, starting in the European afternoon.

Some sample pings to our server:

170 ms (California w/DSL)

120 ms (US East coast w/DSL)

160 ms (Kairo w/DSL)

15 + ms (all over Europe)

Get OFPWatch and be ready smile_o.gif

Thanks again to Certa for his excellent Software!

Edit: Our new website is under construction, apologies for any odd things that might occur...

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Great idea Shrike.

It would be very nice to play Thunders Brutal assault with a load of flashpoint1985 regulars!!

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I'm not sure if this has been answered before but would it not be logical to extent the functionality of OFPWatch with downloading of maps, individually or in packs?

My biggest gripe about maps is that they are so hard to find. Yes, some sites do list maps and they can be ordered is various ways but never into islands! Only fierceful hunting will give some meager results.

Other ways are to log onto servers and to start maps quick when no one is about. But I hate it because when you see a server playing a certain map that you like, you'll be more than happy to see someone that shares that feeling. And the only thing i'm interested in is the map itself. Bummer for the happy connector...

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I'm not sure if this has been answered before but would it not be logical to extent the functionality of OFPWatch with downloading of maps, individually or in packs?

Yes it's possible. More or less any packages of files for the Operation Flashpoint folder could be downloaded via OFP Watch. Full mods with missions, patches, just addons or single missions alike.

However, it is up to the server administrator what he wants to publish on his/her addon server.

I'll try to talk Karrillion into publishing his mission packs as optional packages at his server smile_o.gif as a good example..

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Quote[/b] ]Killswitch: Support for other archive formats than zip (rar, tar.gz and tar.bz2 for example. The 7zip format (lzma) would be even better)

I have been looking at 7zip or RAR for quite some time. 7zip got the coolest compression known and even RAR outperforms ZIP plus that it's a well know standard. Sooner or later depending on time, I'll add it.

Quote[/b] ]Killswitch: Command line parameter for the linux server to create PID files (comparable to the ofp server's -pid=somefile.pid, for example)

Ability to specify the config file instead of the default autoaddon.ini. This in order to run more than one server on a machine.

Specify where to download the packages for examination (to a temp dir, for example)

Well, basically, make it look like a real unix server program instead of a DOS port.

No promises about switches but definitely more and better ones and in the configuration file. It is a damn Win32 console hack from the start smile_o.gif I'll try to make it more of a generic command shell standard application. Preferably a proper Win32 and Linux server process.

If you find .ZIP files in your addon server folder. Please delete them (not the UDP or .TMP). They are reamins of the 1.25 server bug where it failed to delete downloaded packages.

Quote[/b] ]Benu: I also would like to see an "always no" option to the -renew flag, when i want to update only one package or want ofp watch to only download the new ones.

Added with 1.26, but I guess you've already seen that.

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If you find .ZIP files in your addon server folder. Please delete them (not the UDP or .TMP). They are reamins of the 1.25 server bug where it failed to delete downloaded packages.

Didn't have any of those biggrin_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]
Quote[/b] ]Benu: I also would like to see an "always no" option to the -renew flag, when i want to update only one package or want ofp watch to only download the new ones.

Added with 1.26, but I guess you've already seen that.

Yes, it's way cool that you put like any of the things i could think of into ofp watch. This made a great program even better (at least for tounge_o.gif).

I'm not sure if this has been answered before but would it not be logical to extent the functionality of OFPWatch with downloading of maps, individually or in packs?

You could always do that. I did sometimes put missions into ofp watch. But i think this is kind of pointless, as you download those missions anyway when you play on the server. The people who would want this (or at least the only ones i could think of) would be modem users, who want to download maps in advance and not in between playing. As we don't have modem players any more (and i doubt those would want to download 300mb of missions in advance wink_o.gif)...

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Quote[/b] ]
I'm not sure if this has been answered before but would it not be logical to extent the functionality of OFPWatch with downloading of maps, individually or in packs?

You could always do that. I did sometimes put missions into ofp watch. But i think this is kind of pointless, as you download those missions anyway when you play on the server. The people who would want this (or at least the only ones i could think of) would be modem users, who want to download maps in advance and not in between playing. As we don't have modem players any more (and i doubt those would want to download 300mb of missions in advance...

You could always do that? I was hoping that you would do that...  wink_o.gif

But never mind the bollocks, yes, when I play on a server I get the map downloaded. All your other arguments seem true also.

I was just wondering if you and I are on the same level of understanding here?

So if I'm looking for all maps say playing on Nogova or Malden to name just 2 islands. So I have to come round to see what you got?

I'm organising a clan night. I'm looking for suitable maps, say up to 8 players. Do I come round to see what you got?

Hee, I'm into BAS and so are my clan mates. We want a BAS coop only server. Do I come round to see what you got?

Mind you, I'm sure I'm misunderstanding you. But I do see a point in that. I hope you will too.

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OFP Watch 1.02 and 1.03

Version 1.03 2004-Jan-15

Added automatic detection of the 1.95 executable. Jan-16: since many of the Auto-Addon supporting servers upgraded to 1.95 I made OFP Watch 1.03 the minimum version. 1.02 still works just as well as long as one specifically specify the executable file.

Version 1.02 2004-Jan-13

Improved automatic detection of executable files. OFP Watch (with Auto-Addon enabled) will identify 1.91, 1.92, 1.93 and 1.94 executable by file size and checksum. For a 1.92+ server the latest version is chosen automatically. A button named @@ was added to the Add/Edit setup window. it It will add all the mod folders suggested by Auto-Addon (What would be automatically selected if you have automatic mod folder selection enabled). A new button named Copy from added to the Add/Edit window. With it you may copy address and settings from another setup. The download progress window was improved with better average speed measurement, time elapsed, time left, percentage done and more counters. In conjunction with Auto-Addon Server 1.26 the administrator now got the chance deactivate certain addons, great for avoiding known addon conflicts and to prevent server crashes.



OFP Watch 1.02 and Auto-Addon Server 1.26

This section is only interesting for game server admins

Latest addon server can be downloaded here: OFP Watch home

DEACTIVATE script command for servers autoaddon.ini.. Unlike the quick deactivate hack I did for auto-addon.txt this command will force certain addons to be deactivated every time (for OFP Watch users) as part of the addon server info block. Perfect to force off some old incompatible addons. It's better some people can't load the mission than that they bring the entire server down with them mid game.


DEACTIVATE <file or path> <size bytes> <crc32>

Slash or backslash doesn't matter.

Example from autoaddon.ini:

deactivate LSR_gru.pbo 5863364 ea54ee6f

deactivate palma.pbo 4329254 d7363149

deactivate readme/readme.html 32551 469e2fa5

To deactivate any addon.pbo just specify the filename. If you want to deactivate a file outside an addons folder you must specify a path but you don't need to specify a specific mod folder. OFP Watch will look for the file following the path from the root of any activated mod folders. It will also search the addons folders of the loaded mods as well as RES and ADDONS from the root.

In the example above, readme.html will be deactivated in

â€C:\Program Files\OperationFlashpoint\readme\readme.html†as well as â€C:\Program Files\OperationFlashpoint\MYMOD\readme\readme.html†as long as name, size and crc32 match. LSR_gru.pbo and palma.pbo will be deactivated in any loaded addons folders.

An easy way to get exact file size and checksum is to add the file to a zip and open with winzip. In Winzip->Options->Configuration->View make sure CRC is checked.

Just make sure you specify the original size, not the packed size.

After you have added any DEACTIVATE statements to autoaddon.ini you must rebuild the information block. You don't need to download any of the packages though. Select (N)o or n(O)all to the download question and the process takes a few seconds at most.

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I was just wondering if you and I are on the same level of understanding here?

So if I'm looking for all maps say playing on Nogova or Malden to name just 2 islands. So I have to come round to see what you got?

I'm organising a clan night. I'm looking for suitable maps, say up to 8 players. Do I come round to see what you got?

Hee, I'm into BAS and so are my clan mates. We want a BAS coop only server. Do I come round to see what you got?

Mind you, I'm sure I'm misunderstanding you. But I do see a point in that. I hope you will too.

No, that is not possible. OFP Watch runs in parallel to the server. You only see downloads there that the server admin prepares. If i wanted to i could set up a finmod server and could everything but the finmod into OFP Watch. So, you can only download those maps that the admin puts into the OFP Watch, and you could only download the whole packages.

I think in that case the better way would be to ask the admin if he makes a nice package for you and puts it somewhere where you can get it. If you are looking for BAS then i would ask TJ (jacobaby) or Nagual, both are here on the forum and TJ can also be found in the ofp newsgroup.

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Played with CGI programming and implemented an OFP Web Watch.

Feel free to link OFP Web Watch from your site  using the syntax:

Since the server is running from my personal cable uplink I might take this service down if it's taking too much bandwidth or is abused. I'm considering this a test period.

I've added flood protection so refreshing the page is not going to query the server any more than once every 10 seconds.


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