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New unniversal blood donors : worms

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This is a cool concept.

I was watching a show on Discovery about how many organisms there are undiscovered in the worlds oceans that might offer similar medical benefits.

Hopefully we are a little more responsible harvesting them than we have been with harvesting fossil fuels and minerals.

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Quote[/b] ]Hopefully we are a little more responsible harvesting them than we have been with harvesting fossil fuels and minerals.

If we don´t do momma will come for her baby wink_o.gif


I´ve seen a deep sea documentary lately. Only 4 percent of the seabed is explored right now. We know nothing about the creatures down there or at least very little.

The smokers are said to be sources of life on this planet. Bacterias live in 600 degrees celcius hot water at the smokers. Now that is impressive.

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Quote[/b] ]Hopefully we are a little more responsible harvesting them than we have been with harvesting fossil fuels and minerals.

If we don´t do momma will come for her baby  wink_o.gif



Wowser. Whale shark?

Where is Hellfish6 when you need him??

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Quote[/b] ]Hopefully we are a little more responsible harvesting them than we have been with harvesting fossil fuels and minerals.

If we don´t do momma will come for her baby  wink_o.gif


wow_o.gif  wow_o.gif  wow_o.gif  wow_o.gif  wow_o.gif  wow_o.gif  wow_o.gif  wow_o.gif

Wowser.  Whale shark?

Balschoiw's hollyday pic , he should have bought a bigger swimsuit not exeryting could fit in tounge_o.gif


on a more serious note :

since it's been posted by Bals in this thread i'm pretty sure it's some kind of sea worm

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since its from the Fortean picture library, I reckon its either unknown what it is or a photoshopped/faked image. I've seen it before, ages ago, so I don't think its photoshopped.

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worms are for food, not for blood. i'm setting up PETW = People for Ethical Treatment of Worms. tounge_o.gif

i say this is a cool concept along with stem cell, one of best ideas so far.

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worms are for food,  not for blood. i'm setting up PETW = People for Ethical Treatment of Worms. tounge_o.gif

Heh good one tounge_o.gif

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I'm an honorary member of PETA

People Eating Tasty Animals biggrin_o.gif

anyway this sounds like a good idea.  i also heard somewhere that sharks were immune to AIDs, to the cure to AIDs might someone lie in their bone marrow.  it was a while ago so it's probably been disproven, or I'm just wrong. biggrin_o.gif

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worms are for food,  not for blood. i'm setting up PETW = People for Ethical Treatment of Worms. tounge_o.gif

i say this is a cool concept along with stem cell, one of best ideas so far.

Am I the only one that remembers Dubya swearing up and down that he would move heaven and earth to make embryonic stem cell research illegal anywhere in the US of A?

Have you heard such rhetoric since?

I heard that one Nancy Reagan went and had a talk with Shrub, and explained that embryonic stem cell research was one of the only promising avenues in research into Alzheimers.

It's sad that until a friend of the rich and powerful needs something, new and controversial techniques and research is usually shunned by the powers that be.

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He's sticking to his campaign promises, which were pro-life.

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The smokers are said to be sources of life on this planet.

Being a smoker, I certainly agree. biggrin_o.gif

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i think he meant the small undersea volcano like thingies tounge_o.gif

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He's sticking to his campaign promises, which were pro-life.

Umm... yeah. Cept none of the rhetoric was acted on. It's quietly just slipped away.

All sorts of stem cell research is still being done.

Strange that the campaign promise generally stopped being enforced after Bush was spoken to by former First Lady Reagan.

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I heard a while ago that they found a way to harvest eggs from aborted fetuses. It would help relieve the shortage of egg donors.

That's pretty cool: Your mother can be an unborn aborted fetus biggrin_o.gif

You can guess how nuts right wing christian organizations went over this possibility.   wink_o.gif

Edit: link to story

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