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Gathering weapons

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Hi everyone!

I've got some practical questions about resistance, I really love this add-on but the manual is REALLY empty of information. It's all about gathering weapons and making up your own stock throughout the campaign. I expected this topic to have been discussed many times in the past but I haven't found anything useful by searching the forum, or did i use bad keywords?

Anyway, here is my big question:

when you play the campaign, what are all the possibilities to gather weapons and make sure you keep them for the next missions? For example I see a RPG launcher left by an ennemy on the floor, I pick it up and finish the mission with the launcher in my back then I'm sure I'll get it in my own stock, that's easy. I know also that I can put weapons in any vehicle during the game but how to make sure it will end up into my own stock once the mission is finished? Does it have to be a resistance vehicle or can it be an ennemy or civil vehicle? Do I have to leave one of my guys inside to keep all the equipment it contains for the next missions? Do I have to take the vehicle to the finish point? Or are there missions where you're told to use a truck to gather weapons and all the other missions where you just cannot and need to use your own guys?

Another thing, I'd read a long time ago about someone complaining because many missions end up once the last ennemy is dead so no time to gather weapons from dead bodies. I can't remember if there was any answer to it, is there any special trick to avoid it?

If you direct me to another thread I've missed or even a website with a BIG manual about ofp resistance that's no problem at all I'd be glad to go. But I really need an answer coz' I've had enough to play with only 2 SVD and 4 RPG launchers after 10 missions! I'm really sure I could have gathered much more stuff from previous missions.

Thanks a lot in advance... smile_o.gif

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Well this is what I did,

When you play Resistance try and keep all your men alive. Because to store enough ammo and equipment you need to make your guys pick them up and carry them on to the end of the mission. Thus they should be available in the next mission. On your own, you cant possibly carry enough to help you in the later missions.

Mines, Satchel charges, PK's and ammo, RPG's, night vision goggles, SVD's etc. Mines and Satchel charges are a must! they save you alot of time when ambushing or defending. If you can equip your team with several PK's it gives you some serious firepower for a small squad of men.

AFAIK putting them into vehicles does not guarantee they will be available for you to use later.

Hope it helps, good luck! biggrin_o.gif

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On that first mission where you stop the convoy. I took my dear sweet time. I killed the drivers and kept both trucks intact. All the men that got out of one of them, I loaded ALL their weapons into the trucks. It took so much time another squad or two came by, then I took all their weapons. It took a while, but I think I got all the weapons I gathered.

You may just need to put the weapons into a vehicle that belongs to you or your team.

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Thanks a lot for the reply guys! smile_o.gif There's 1 thing I never really did is to make sure all my guys are fully loaded with weapons, especially satchel, mines... I always used to put them in a truck and take it back with me.

I think in the future I will count what I have b4 the mission and see after the mission if the use of a truck also makes a difference.

However I would like one of BIS developpers to just give me the answer, as it is an important feature of the game and nothing is explained in the manual. Sure they must know about that?!? rock.gif

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I think the only time a truck load stays is when you return in it to a campsite, otherwise it's down to what you and your squad are carrying...

There's always the stuff you need there in the mission anyway. If satchels are needed there'll be a shitload of them laying around or on enemy soldiers. The only time I ever realy had to specificaly save a weapon was the first mission at your house (Crossroads?) where I picked up a Bizon (silenced) and had to keep picking it up and putting it down(cause it's useless as an assault/long range weapon) to keep it for infiltrating the tank-lager near the castle in a later mission...

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taking weapons from one mission to the next was new with Resistance. The command for it is weaponpool. It is documented in command reference. If this command is not used (original OFP campaign, Red hammer, custom campaigns)

the weapons are not transferred to the next mission. No magic.

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