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[SOLVED] Spawn civilian hostage with init, and problem with addAction

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Spawn civilian hostage with init, and problem with addAction. The addAction does not work, I have tried several calls like... _x, _this, this, leader CIV_REHEN_NAMUVAKA_1... and nothig. Helpme please and thanks.


//nul = [] execVM "spawns\CIV_REHEN_NAMUVAKA_Loop_1.sqf";

//while {true} do {

[west, ["Task_CIV_REHEN_NAMUVAKA_1B"], ["Protect the hostages. - Proteja a los rehenes.","Protect the hostages. - Proteja a los rehenes."], none, "CREATED", 2, true] call BIS_fnc_taskCreate;

  systemchat "CIV_REHEN_NAMUVAKA_1";

CIV_REHEN_NAMUVAKA_1 = [getPos player, civilian, ["C_Man_formal_4_F_tanoan"]] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup;

//{_x doMove ASLtoATL getPosASL PenBLU_OTANDESERT_MEN_Obj_1; _x allowFleeing 0; _x setCombatMode "RED"; _x setskill ["courage",1];_x setUnitPos "UP"; } forEach units CIV_REHEN_NAMUVAKA_1;

//{ _x setCombatBehaviour "SAFE";  [group _x, getPos _x, 10] call BIS_fnc_TaskPatrol; } forEach units CIV_REHEN_NAMUVAKA_1;

{ _x disableAI "PATH"; _x setCaptive true; _x setUnitPos "MIDDLE"; 
  // Add rescue action
  _x addAction [":: Rescue - Rescatar :: ", { 
      ["Task_CIV_REHEN_NAMUVAKA_1","succeeded"] call bis_fnc_tasksetstate;
      {_x setCaptive false; _x enableAI "PATH"; _x setUnitPos "AUTO"; 
       {[_x] joinSilent group player;} forEach units CIV_REHEN_NAMUVAKA_1;
} forEach units CIV_REHEN_NAMUVAKA_1;

  waitUntil {({alive _x} count units CIV_REHEN_NAMUVAKA_1) < 1;}; 
  ["Task_CIV_REHEN_NAMUVAKA_1B","CANCELED"] call bis_fnc_tasksetstate; 



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13 hours ago, hectrol said:

The addAction does not work

That's because your code is wrong. I guess it should be like this (pay attention to the formatting and readability):

_x addAction [
    ":: Rescue - Rescatar :: ",
        ["Task_CIV_REHEN_NAMUVAKA_1", "SUCCEEDED"] call BIS_fnc_taskSetState;

            _x setCaptive false;
            _x enableAI "PATH";
            _x setUnitPos "AUTO";
        } forEach (units CIV_REHEN_NAMUVAKA_1);

        (units CIV_REHEN_NAMUVAKA_1) joinSilent (group player);


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Thanks Schatten for the cleanup BUT when the civilian spawns the addAction still doesn't work.


//nul = [] execVM "spawns\CIV_REHEN_NAMUVAKA_Loop_1.sqf";

//while {true} do {

[west, ["Task_CIV_REHEN_NAMUVAKA_1B"], ["Protect the hostages. - Proteja a los rehenes.","Protect the hostages. - Proteja a los rehenes."], none, "CREATED", 2, true] call BIS_fnc_taskCreate;

  systemchat "CIV_REHEN_NAMUVAKA_1";

CIV_REHEN_NAMUVAKA_1 = [getPos player, civilian, ["C_Man_formal_4_F_tanoan"]] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup;

//"C_Man_formal_4_F_tanoan" createUnit [position player, group CIV_REHEN_NAMUVAKA_1];

//{_x doMove ASLtoATL getPosASL PenBLU_OTANDESERT_MEN_Obj_1; _x allowFleeing 0; _x setCombatMode "RED"; _x setskill ["courage",1];_x setUnitPos "UP"; } forEach units CIV_REHEN_NAMUVAKA_1;

//{ _x setCombatBehaviour "SAFE";  [group _x, getPos _x, 10] call BIS_fnc_TaskPatrol; } forEach units CIV_REHEN_NAMUVAKA_1;

{ _x disableAI "PATH"; _x setCaptive true; _x setUnitPos "MIDDLE";

_x addAction [
    ":: Rescue - Rescatar :: ",
        ["Task_CIV_REHEN_NAMUVAKA_1", "SUCCEEDED"] call BIS_fnc_taskSetState;

            _x setCaptive false;
            _x enableAI "PATH";
            _x setUnitPos "AUTO";
        } forEach (units CIV_REHEN_NAMUVAKA_1);

        (units CIV_REHEN_NAMUVAKA_1) joinSilent (group player);


  waitUntil {({alive _x} count units CIV_REHEN_NAMUVAKA_1) < 1;}; 
  ["Task_CIV_REHEN_NAMUVAKA_1B","CANCELED"] call bis_fnc_tasksetstate; 



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26 minutes ago, hectrol said:


CIV_REHEN_NAMUVAKA_1 is not an array, but a group. Revert this code as it was originally.

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Yes, now works perfect, Schatten you have saved my life like a hostage. ^_^ Thanker very much. You will appear in the acknowledgments of the scenary.

//nul = [] execVM "spawns\CIV_REHEN_NAMUVAKA_Loop_1.sqf";

//while {true} do {

[west, ["Task_CIV_REHEN_NAMUVAKA_1B"], ["Protect the hostages. - Proteja a los rehenes.","Protect the hostages. - Proteja a los rehenes."], none, "CREATED", 2, true] call BIS_fnc_taskCreate;

  systemchat "CIV_REHEN_NAMUVAKA_1";

CIV_REHEN_NAMUVAKA_1 = [getPos player, civilian, ["C_Man_formal_4_F_tanoan"]] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup;

//"C_Man_formal_4_F_tanoan" createUnit [position player, group CIV_REHEN_NAMUVAKA_1];

//{_x doMove ASLtoATL getPosASL PenBLU_OTANDESERT_MEN_Obj_1; _x allowFleeing 0; _x setCombatMode "RED"; _x setskill ["courage",1];_x setUnitPos "UP"; } forEach units CIV_REHEN_NAMUVAKA_1;

//{ _x setCombatBehaviour "SAFE";  [group _x, getPos _x, 10] call BIS_fnc_TaskPatrol; } forEach units CIV_REHEN_NAMUVAKA_1;

{ _x disableAI "PATH"; _x setCaptive true; _x setUnitPos "MIDDLE";

_x addAction [
    ":: Rescue - Rescatar :: ",
        ["Task_CIV_REHEN_NAMUVAKA_1", "SUCCEEDED"] call BIS_fnc_taskSetState;

            _x setCaptive false;
            _x enableAI "PATH";
            _x setUnitPos "AUTO";
        } forEach (units CIV_REHEN_NAMUVAKA_1);

        (units CIV_REHEN_NAMUVAKA_1) joinSilent (group player);

 } forEach units CIV_REHEN_NAMUVAKA_1;

  waitUntil {({alive _x} count units CIV_REHEN_NAMUVAKA_1) < 1;}; 
  ["Task_CIV_REHEN_NAMUVAKA_1B","CANCELED"] call bis_fnc_tasksetstate; 



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