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Operation sci-fi center

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Also if you are interested with that, I have a little "hands on"

release I made a week ago.

You will find this "video mission" at OFP.info located


Keep in mind this is simply FREELANCE work, which means it will not come directly from Operation-SciFi, but will use what they develope.

If you really wanna see how serious we are with this project, I suggest you check out every single link we give you ;)



Quote[/b] ]Please keep in mind this is the property of Operation-SciFi, created by Lord Horus being re-worked by our other team members.

Don't worry Lord Horus I got that covered ;)

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Soon LordHorus smile_o.gif

Once we get everything all set, I will make a video that will blow your minds out of the water smile_o.gif

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How is the animation done? Through selections and axises or .rtm?

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just a normal rotation animation! the most simple way but whe are looking into adding a lot of scripting to create the real AT-ST and AT-AT.

or make it a .rtm

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its one from the comics...

we are concentrating more on the familiar types of vehicles and units.. although we will add some that are not involved in games and movies.. for example the Tie Crawler

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Wonderboy would just like to say the following:

'Major Fubar, to use the stealth model/technique you're really better off asking Shard ([email protected]), the creator of the units, but i'm sure there'll be no problems with you using it.

Sxep, as i understand it the Imperial Armour Pack is still under development, though it shouldn't take too long to arrive, just keep praying and check your stocking every once in a while. Also on the point of the Dreadnought (i think thats what you meant, devastators are heavy weapon teams) it would be fairly easy to convert the animation across, so i'd expect it to appear there, as well as on the Titans *drools* 50m tall walking death-machines anyone??

D.murphy man, there are models of both the Space marines and the bolters already created, however there are problems with the LODs, memory points and animations due to the marines being 7ft tall and disproportionate to normal OFP soldiers so its taking a while to sort them out, but don't worry, they'll be out and about soon enough .'

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Good news to all you At-At lovers!

Bishop has successfully created the animation for the at-at's legs but noe of this wouldnt be possible with out lordhorus

here is the video for you to watch

At-AT Animation


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Well its a start Muahahah tounge_o.gif

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thats what i call pushing to the limit, good job guys, im sure the end result will be astounding.

oh and sxep show us some of ur own anims...

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hehe gotta work on syncing the legs but Thats a great start guys. We are seeing things now in Flashpoint that where said to be impossible when it first came out. This is great.

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thats what i call pushing to the limit, good job guys, im sure the end result will be astounding.

oh and sxep show us some of ur own anims...

...I know Opfscifi, don´t worry.

And i jsut thought the animation looks so damn funny, good work but hell LOL.

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Actually the animation is shaping up very well. That's about the way AT-AT's walked in the movies. Just need some better timing on it and it should work.

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thanks for all your feedback. as we speak we are working on a better animation for the at-at and at-st legs so ull be notified of the improvement and we shall get a another video for you to watch so get your popcorn ready

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thanks Darkknight that you guys talk so open about progress, i think thats the best way to make a mod.

so you guys know what people like, and what not - to make a real good mode as yours.

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we have now given the AT-At a body


This is a very Early version of the At-AT and will be given better detail

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Very nice looking guys. Can't wait to see more of this. Hehe hopefull with any luck they will put in better support for your "lasers" in Flashpoint 2.

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Oh, these work, no problem, weightless grenades and rockets looking and acting like lasers!!!

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Will you guys be releaseing the walking animations seprate as well? So that we can see a great increase in walking mechs not just from star wars but heavy gear and the sort.

This would be very cool devoloment in the OFP comunity.



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