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So I wanted to make programmable AB rounds that explode a few meters beyond the turrets current zeroed distance. I thought I could use currentZeroing but it only gives the manually zeroed distances (100,200,300,400,...), however i need to know the distance the gun automatically adjusts to when lasing the range. Is there any way to get that value?

Thanks in advance

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Maybe you could get the current distance to the laserTarget then add a few meters.

private _target = laserTarget gunner <vehicleName>;
private _dist = gunner _tank distance _target;
private _overShoot = _dist + 5;


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works well with helis and planes but for ground vehicles the gunner doesnt really have a laser

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I will use a keypress detector and then run screenToWorld, that should work

doesnt work, as the range goes through objects like houses or walls

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