Trapper 0 Posted June 30, 2003 I've created a singleplayer mission, and in the editor preview everything is working fine, no errors. But after pboing the mission one script is no longer existend for OFP. I've tried 3 ways to PBO the mission: - exporting it with the editor - pboing the folder with makePBO (default settings) - pboing the folder with makePBO (no compression at all) Everytime one particular script is reported missing. After that i extracted all three PBOs with unPBO. All PBOs had the "missing" script included, in the right folder... The Errormessage says the script is not found in fx/wp/tail.sqs, but this is the place where it should be and where i still find the file after depboing. It's not a tail.sqs.txt mistake. I checked it for sure, even if the mission was working already, unpboed. At the moment it seems, the only way for me to get the mission published is to not pbo it and just publish the mission folder, but i wouldn't like to do this. Any PBO expert around? EDITED: The mission uses 38 oggs for Radiotransmissions, and has 3 different drop based effects in a folder called FX. (2 different tank burning scripts and a white phosphor effect) Subfolder:        /FX         tank burning script 1        /FX/FXoutro   tank burning script 2        /FX/WP      white phosphor script        /sound       the radio 38 oggs The whole mission folder is ca 2MB big Could it be that I have to reduce the subfolders? Or isn't OFP able to handle more than X scripts at the same time from a pboed mission? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
theavonlady 2 Posted June 30, 2003 Maybe OFP has a problem with 2-level subdirectories. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Trapper 0 Posted June 30, 2003 Ok, all directorys are 1-level now: /FX /FXoutro /WP If mission is pboed, tail.sqs is missed again. If not everything is working. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
theavonlady 2 Posted June 30, 2003 If mission is pboed, tail.sqs is missed again.If not everything is working. Can you post a code snippet from your mission that references the script? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RED 0 Posted June 30, 2003 This should work: [] exec "FX\scriptname.sqs" What are you using? RED Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Trapper 0 Posted June 30, 2003 Well, the script... it's a bit complicated It's a 'drop' based effect, that i created to simulate the explosion of a white phosphorus round. The script works in combination with an artillery script. The system is as followed: The ari script camCreates a grenade and a smokegrenade at the same position, in less than a second after that the ari script starts the WP effect. The WP effect consists of 10 parts/scripts, all located in the subdirectory /WP. The startupscript executes the scripts as followed: 1. fire.sqs: 1st, for a second, a big fire cloud then continues burning like all the "burning tank" scripts, for the next 65secs. Â Â 1.1 blastsmoke.sqs: The 1st big fire cloud drop partical creates another partical with the "OnTimer" option (1 big white cloud of smoke moving upwards) 2. funkenflug.sqs: It createds little red sparks above the fire, as long as it burns. 3. sound.sqs: creates an object beneath the position of the effect, that says 'fire1' in a loop at first, and later 'fire' Now the startupscript creates the main part of a WP explosion. Little burning phosphorus parts flying away in all directions and leaving a small white smoke trail on their way. Some of them create little fires on there impactpoint, that create a little bit of white smoke before they burn out. Others just disapear/burnout before reaching the ground. The "1 sparkaway-effect" is setup in 2D, the finaly resulting 3D "flower" is created with help of an underground camCreateed object, that is rotated a bit everytime before the next phosphorspark is shot away. Ramdomly 10-13 phosphorsparks are launched at one WP-Effect call. 4. spark.sqs: A medium size, burning spark is created at the center of the explosion, that flys away under 45 degrees. Random lifetime. Â Â 4.1 tail.sqs: The "OnTimer" event of the spark partical creates a little bit bigger firesparks with very short lifetime behind the spark. (I creates the feel that there are something burning is thrown through the air) Â Â Â Â Â 4.1.1 smoke.sqs: The "OnTimer" of the tail.sqs particals create small and dense white smoke behind them. Â Â 4.2 littlefire.sqs: If a spark (spark.sqs) has a certain lifetime, the "BeforeDestroy" event of the spark partical creates a little fire at the impactpoint (at height 0) Â Â Â Â Â 4.2.1 littlesmoke.sqs: The "OnTimer" of the littlefire.sqs particals creates white smoke until the littlefire burned out. The "OnTimer" call in spark.sqs (for missing tail.sqs) reads as followed: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> drop ["cl_fire", "", "Billboard", 0.04, _randomLebenszeit, [0,0,0], [85.85,0,85.85], 0.1, _randomMasse, _randomVolumen, _randomReibung, [_randomGroesse,0.02], [[1,1,1,1],[0,0,0,0]], [0,1,0], 1.1, 0.1, "wp/tail.sqs", "" , _objekt] @RED As far as I know, I cant use [] exec "tail.sqs" inside the drop array. I came to the conclusion, that perhaps the OnTimer doesn't know subdirectorys, or it searches for /wp/wp/tail.sqs if called like above. So I tried "tail.sqs"... Result: There's a missing script error even if unpobed. Well, I wasn't surprised about it. One think that comes in my mind right now is: Perhaps the "OnTimer" can't handle subdirectories? I'll try to place the "OnTimer" called scripts in the main directory. But one important thing we should remember is: Theres is only a problem if pboed. In the editor preview, or played as a folder in /missions everything is already working. Â PS: I noticed that the "blastsmoke"(.sqs) isn't there if the mission is pboed. But only tail.sqs is reported missing. - It really seems like a problem with the "OnTimer" event of drops. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
raedor 8 Posted June 30, 2003 do it like this:<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">drop [...,"wp\tail.sqs",...] (this works on my computer...) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Trapper 0 Posted June 30, 2003 The important things are always simple... It was the slash. Very tricky that it only matters in .pbo Replaced with a backslash the pboed mission works. Thx all. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites