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Wait for end of the sound ( trigger)

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When creating a function to play a sound when a person enters the trigger, I was faced with the question: what if a person constantly leaves and enters back into the trigger, continuously? Accordingly, the sound will also be produced anew each time and the result will be complete nonsense


Question: how can I first check that the sound has played to the end, and then play the same sound again?



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When you create a trigger, you have the option:

the trigger is fired once only or

: the trigger is fired every time the conditions are met






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Create a boolean variable at mission start, for example:

soundPlayable = true;

In your trigger, add this variable as a condition:

this && soundPlayable

In the code where you play the sound, set the variable to false, and add a timer that waits for the the amount of time that it takes the sound to play. When the timer finishes, set the variable to true again.

soundPlayable = false;

<play sound>
nul = [] spawn {
	sleep 10;  //  time in seconds to wait
	soundPlayable = true;

If your mission is for multiplayer, there may be some locality issues to work out.

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5 hours ago, PrizraK11 said:

When creating a function to play a sound when a person enters the trigger, I was faced with the question: what if a person constantly leaves and enters back into the trigger, continuously? Accordingly, the sound will also be produced anew each time and the result will be complete nonsense


Question: how can I first check that the sound has played to the end, and then play the same sound again?




Welcome to forum.

Which sound? How do you run it (playSound or else)?

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9 hours ago, pierremgi said:



Welcome to forum.

Which sound? How do you run it (playSound or else)?

Yea, playSound3d

My code:


// init.sqf

execVM "bluforBase.sqf";

// bluforBase.sqf

Sirens = [a1,a2,a3,a4,a5];
areaBaseBLUFOR setTriggerActivation ["EAST", "PRESENT", true];
areaBaseBLUFOR setTriggerStatements ["this", "[Sirens] call KS_fnc_playSignal;", "hint 'hello!'"];

// fnc_playSignal

params ["_signals"];
_soundPlayable = false;
    private _sound = playSound3D [getMissionPath "\sounds\BaseSounds\onBluforBase.wav", _x, true, getPosASL _x, 3, 1, 450];
} forEach _signals;


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Thank you so much!
Very useful! Its work!


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