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Hello guys

Obviously a simple thing but I can't make it work for hours now.

What I need to put in trigger condition to work if activation is:


{_x playMoveNow "AmovPercMstpSnopWnopDnop_exercisePushup"} forEach thisList; ?

How to refer all units in the trigger area to do exercises? The trigger is activated with a radio command.

I know how to refer to specific units in the trigger area but how to do it for all units no matter if dead, alive or with a cold, no matter of side or anything else. Just condition to be inside the area? Thanks in advance



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With a radio trigger thisList is always equal to [] (there is no preset condition like blufor present), so you can't refer to this variable.


thisTrigger works.

So, you can sort the units in a trigger area:

{_x playMoveNow "AmovPercMstpSnopWnopDnop_exercisePushup"} count (allUnits select {_x inArea thisTrigger});


Note: count is little bit faster than forEach... but you must check the inside code don't return a variable. Here playMoveNow returns nothing. So, cool.

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Units are still lazy. I even changed the activation type from radio to [side - present] just to be sure and all works (system chat is activated) except units do not start the animation. Weird?


type: radio Alpha

cond: thisTrigger

onAct: {_x playMoveNow "AmovPercMstpSnopWnopDnop_exercise Pushup"} count (allUnits select {_x inArea thisTrigger}); systemChat "works";



type: opfor present

cond: this

onAct: {_x playMoveNow "AmovPercMstpSnopWnopDnop_exercise Pushup"} count (allUnits select {_x inArea thisTrigger}); systemChat "works";


@pierremgiI can't understand this part also: Here playMoveNow returns nothing


edited: this also works only systemChat but still exercise not:

type: opfor present

cond: this

onAct: {
                _x playMoveNow "AmovPercMstpSnonWnonDnon_exercisePushup";
             } forEach units thisList; systemChat "works2"...


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In your first two examples, the animation name is incorrect. In the third, it's correct, but has corrupt characters. Also, thisList is an array, so units is not needed.

	_x playMoveNow "AmovPercMstpSnonWnonDnon_exercisePushup";
} forEach thisList;



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Succeeded in the third case

{ _x playMoveNow "AmovPercMstpSnonWnonDnon_exercisePushup"; } forEach thisList;

 only, when units of side are present. But how to make it work on radio activation? I tried:

this and thisTrigger both don't work. Also I tried activate a simulation from outside:

type: radio Alpha

cond: this

onAct: nul=[]execVM "sklekovi.sqf"

sklekovi.sqf:  { _x playMoveNow "AmovPercMstpSnonWnonDnon_exercisePushup"; } forEach inArea trig1;


This script method would be the best if I make it work because it is an easier way to run simulation continuously with "while true"...


edited: SOLVED

I make a statement first in .sqf:

_regruti = allUnits inAreaArray trig1;

    _x playMoveNow "AmovPercMstpSnonWnonDnon_exercisePushup";
} forEach _regruti;


Thanks @pierremgi @Harzach ! Pro like always!


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@pierremgi gave you the in-trigger solution in his reply. He copy/pasted your incorrect animation name though, so you need to fix that:

{_x playMoveNow "AmovPercMstpSnonWnonDnon_exercisePushup"} count (allUnits select {_x inArea thisTrigger});

Works great.

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50 minutes ago, Harzach said:

@pierremgi gave you the in-trigger solution in his reply. He copied your incorrect animation name though, so you need to fix that:

{_x playMoveNow "AmovPercMstpSnonWnonDnon_exercisePushup"} count (allUnits select {_x inArea thisTrigger});

Works great.

Yes, it was a typo, my mistake. Managed to make it work both your scripted and pierremgi trigger way. Now I tried to do a similar thing and for some reason, it does not work but no script errors no typos or anything. Please take a look when you have time...

It is a big field kitchen in the marker (mehana) area and I want all units to get to satiate:



_tim = allUnits inAreaArray "mehana";

_x setVariable ["acex_field_rations_hunger", 0];
} forEach _tim; 

systemChat "ручак завршен.";


Variable works normally on a single unit but if I try like in pushUps case in upper posts, it does not.

Solved, sorry. Typo again. 🤦‍♂️


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