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Exile function where player is loaded to database

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I wanted to see if someone could confirm what function is responsible for writing a new player to the database.  Was wonder if someone has a flow or knows the operation of how this happens. Seen several functions partially responsible, but looking to track this down completely. I'm trying to exclude the headlessclient from writing a new player to the database.


I'm about sick of cleaning "hc's" out of my database.

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On 1/20/2024 at 3:11 AM, NutzMcKracken said:

I wanted to see if someone could confirm what function is responsible for writing a new player to the database.  Was wonder if someone has a flow or knows the operation of how this happens. Seen several functions partially responsible, but looking to track this down completely. I'm trying to exclude the headlessclient from writing a new player to the database.


I'm about sick of cleaning "hc's" out of my database.

Hello, just in case you still haven’t figured it out: exile_server > code > ExileServer_system_network_event_onPlayerConnected
just under the _uid and _name variables definition put

if (_name isEqualTo "headlessclient") exitWith {
	format["HC connected!", _name, _uid] call ExileServer_util_log;


  • Thanks 1

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On 4/27/2024 at 9:38 PM, SzepyCZ said:

Hello, just in case you still haven’t figured it out: exile_server > code > ExileServer_system_network_event_onPlayerConnected
just under the _uid and _name variables definition put

if (_name isEqualTo "headlessclient") exitWith {
	format["HC connected!", _name, _uid] call ExileServer_util_log;


Hi, can I go into more detail? And then when I try to do as you described, I get an error in my logs

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On 5/5/2024 at 7:48 AM, Irkutsk86 said:

Hi, can I go into more detail? And then when I try to do as you described, I get an error in my logs

hello, post me your ExileServer_system_network_event_onPlayerConnected.sqf and your log if you can, preferably on pastebin

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I actually went with this and forgot to post what worked for me.
This helps if the HC has not rebooted or it is reconnecting and using a "Profile" you have assigned.

In the example below I'm using "HC_HAL" as the profile on my HC.


_uid = _this select 0;
_name = _this select 1;

if (( "headlessclient" in _name)  || ( "HC_HAL" in _name)) exitWith {};


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