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"l/p raketa" vs "l/p strela" memory points

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I have a small question:

I got a heli model thats got two different rocketpods on each side, each a distance from the other. So i was wondering if it is possible to use both Strela and Raketa set of vertrices in Memory LOD, lets say raketa for the outer pods and Strela for the innerpods and that way avoid one of them looking abit off when launching.

The inner and outer pods carry different type of weapons. In that case, how do i class the two weapons so that one comes out the L/P strela and the other L/P raketa?


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I think ammo configed with simulation=shotRocket comes from the L/P raketa points, and simulation=shotMissile comes from the L/P strela points.

Problem is you can't use proxy weapons and L/P strela points at the same time.

But if your only using rocket pods this shouldn't be a problem.

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So far in my experiences, raketa doesn't work, only strela. crazy_o.gif

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Actually on my ww2 plane, the bombs are proxies and my rockets come out of my l/p raketa and my rockets are simulation = shotmissile,just they dont lock

So your chopper,not having bombs prolly, you shuld be able to arrange 3 weapons types that I am aware

Sorry I havent used l/p strela

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Anything unguided comes out of raketa, anything guided

comes out of strela unless there are proxies, in which case

strela is ignored and guided weapons will fired from the

proxies. If you want 2 unguided weapon systems, just

config one as an ordinary rocket, and it will fire from the

raketa points. for the other weapon just edit it's tracking

abilities so that it just flies straight like the rocket, and it

will launch from the strela point. But you want 2 guided systems then you are screwed smile_o.gif

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But you want 2 guided systems then you are screwed smile_o.gif

Almost, but not quite:

Alpha Sea Vixen

This has two guided missiles - AAM Redtop, AGM Bullpup -

both of which have simulation=shotMissile. No proxies at all -

all done with Klink's setobjecttexture and some additional

code that moves the newly launched missile towards the

launch rail. Not perfect, but it does work.

Note - Sea Vixen about to enter beta.

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Footmunch's F-5 also has Sidewinders and bullpups, and they both leave their stations when fired! ...ain't that strange?

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