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Tail rotor failure

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Would be nice that if there is a Tail rotor failure, or someone shoots at the tail rotor, the helicopter immediatly starts to spin

just a simple realism aspect smile_o.gif

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Yep would be nice, and so that you are forced to crash land the thing, not jump out ;) What's the big idea of ejecting out of every chopper anyway. smile_o.gif

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I love how you can succeed in making an auto-rotate landing with a main-rotor failure in OFP. Would be great, if they elaborate on that idea and create new castrophic damage effects. Tail rotor failure would be high up on the list for my part. smile_o.gif

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Let's keep mechanical problems out of the picture for a perfectly well maintained heli, but what would be good is if a base is underfire the helicopters recieve small damage, if you then try and fly them you are likely to have fuel leaks, transmission failures (common accident cause), control cables severed etc.

I would like to see this icorporated as well as a few other effects expected in a good heli sim. In my opinion, if the helis are given realistic flight models OFP2 will be ine of the most realistic helicopter flight simulations due to the highly detailed terrain.

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Also if the main rotor hits anything make it break apart, and the helicopter falls to ground because i really dont like it how it is right now rock.gif

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