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Americas army: operations

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AA is nothing like CS, its completly different, if u had posted that on the official forums they would have flamed your ass blues.gif

My sarcasm sensor is stuttering and can't decide, so...

* They are both Multiplayer only.

* They both feature Attack/Defend style missions.

* They both feature multiple rounds which make up a match.

* They both feature tiny maps which limit your freedom.

* They both feature cheesy pre defined radio messeges ("frag out!", "fire in the hole!")

* They both are based on someone elses graphics engine.

* They are both "free" (one is more "free" than the other I guess)

The differences are mostly cosmetic to me.

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F1 is the scoreboard right and stat nets  just the little network monitor.


How much honor do you guys got, I got 27

34, but honor means shit. Basically it tells you have long you've played AA, ie experience. There are guys in around 15-25 honor points that are better than those guys that have abnormally high points.

I also hate the stupid punkbuster program for its lag and bug issues mad_o.gif

It's just like once every 10-20 minutes, and then it only gets a little choppy for a few seconds. If you have choppiness, try typing flush and dumpcache into console.

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AA is nothing like CS, its completly different, if u had posted that on the official forums they would have flamed your ass blues.gif

My sarcasm sensor is stuttering and can't decide, so...

* They are both Multiplayer only.

* They both feature Attack/Defend style missions.

* They both feature multiple rounds which make up a match.

* They both feature tiny maps which limit your freedom.

* They both feature cheesy pre defined radio messeges ("frag out!", "fire in the hole!")

* They both are based on someone elses graphics engine.

* They are both "free" (one is more "free" than the other I guess)

The differences are mostly cosmetic to me.

1. Negative AA is not only Multiplayer only it also has singelplayer training smile_o.gif

2. Your point is? rock.gif

3. Yea so? its supposed to be fun not borish.

4. Tiny? u call Radio Tower, Mountain Pass, Mountain Pass SE tiny maps then u got a problem.

5. Those are there to make gameplay easier who the hell uses time to write Enemy Spotted? It makes it faster.

6. Yea lol so what? wink_o.gif `

7. Wich makes it a good game smile_o.gif

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He wasn't saying it was bad, he was pointing out similarities.

Btw toadlife, you really like that mpeg file dont you tounge_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]He wasn't saying it was bad, he was pointing out similarities.

Exactly. I liked CS and I like AA. I think AA is much much better than CS.

Quote[/b] ]Btw toadlife, you really like that mpeg file dont you tounge_o.gif

Yeah. I lost my tortise sex video. If anyone has it.... tounge_o.gif

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its like tdm except you dont respawn when you click,

nothing special about this game, i might redownload it once they input blackhawk piloting training school biggrin_o.gif

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I never played CS  blues.gif  except one time on a LAN..

Same here and I'm glad I only played it that little smile_o.gif

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so far i am still have a bit low honor of 20

but i am having so much fun on Medic post biggrin_o.gif

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OK I installed AAO, and I'm at the first airbourne training mission.I do it, pass the test and when it comes to logging my result, it says "connecting..." for about 15 seconds, then says "timed out" sad_o.gif It also says this when I try to login from the main menu.I even created a new user,no joy...I then restarted my PC, but still no joy sad_o.gif

What is this all about?! crazy_o.gif

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Sounds like you're having some trouble connecting there ;)

Thats probably a server problem, restarting your pc or making a new user wouldn't help. Maybe there was some sort of local internet problem or whatever, just try again later.

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