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Anti-cheat  team

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Recently i have been playing many multiplayer of OFP both on private and public server. Like many of you, i have become sick of people who I believe are possible cheats as they seem to disappear, unlimited amoe, God mode, and other various cheats. I would like to possibly form a team of scriptors, editors, tech advisors, or anyone else who could be of help or support to form a Team/Group based on developing scripts ways to track cheaters by researching the various ways of cheating and making more anti-cheat scripts for servers.

I have limited experience with coding and such but I have several sources as of now and could use all the help we could get to make this happen and be succesful.

Anyone who is interested or has any questions can post here,

vulcan@jos.ofprc.netemail me, or contact me on MSN, forristall24@hotmail.com

This is just a thought of mine and i would hope for it to become very successful with possbily a website and all... it only depends how many people are interested and the resources and skill at hand.

Can you help? smile_o.gif

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Suma all ready supplied server scripts that works some what, there is a list in themy topic about cheaters (the big thread in multiplayer on page 3) and another topic that shows how some cheats work

one thing is the server gets laggy every time some one conects in game it scans the files ands screws us over with lag, so you have to lock games before you launch, and it delays conect time when a while bunch of ppl conect at the same time

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Lobanak from CiA (and he team) are working on client and serverside programs which should eliminate cheating. I do not think that scripts will stop cheating, as cheats do not work in that away (as far as I know)

Good luck if you are going to try smile_o.gif


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Lobanak from CiA (and he team) are working on client and serverside programs which should eliminate cheating. I do not think that scripts will stop cheating, as cheats do not work in that away (as far as I know)

Good luck if you are going to try smile_o.gif


yeah im trying my best to help them out now.

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Vulcan,  I think USMC has an Anti Cheat script.


My Idea, is to have Marik stats server track down people with those user modified config files, keep a close eye on them, and if we find that they are cheating,  INSTANT IP banning on every international Flashpoint server, no questions asked.

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yes, but then if the script isnt done right or detects all modifications of the config.bin there will be overwhelming numbers of people getting banned for soundpacks and stuff in that category. Unless its done right, ALOT of testing will stil apply.

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Hopefuly when the ECP comes out, servers will use that, maybe this will stop people needing to modify their soundpacks.


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Don't think so, soundpacks are a matter of taste, different people like different soundpacks, my players use DR, Kyllikki or Battlesound, each player has a different favorite ;)

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How about having a list of all avalible soundpacks and getting the server to check them against the players verision?


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Afaik the server can't check those files anyway ;)

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Im not sure so I will just take your word for it smile_o.gif


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This is probably a dumb idea, but what about having ALL servers use passwords.....and then have a list people sign up on where they give their e-mail info, etc.  If you are on that list then you can go to some website and get the password for the day...then you can go play on the servers that use this system.  This would be a way to filter out the baddies maybe from one central location.

And every server who uses this "system" could have a little nick in the server title like "LBB Server [PassSec]"..."House of Pancakes [PassSec]"..meaning they use the "Password Security" system or whatever you want to call it. rock.gif


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No, wait..maybe that isn't a good idea. I suppose we just need a global/standard banlist.txt that is passed around to ALL the servers..and this list gets updated & there's a website where you can ask to be unbanned or to have someone banned and the reason why...etc. This way, if you're caught messing around on one server you'll have to fear being banned from ALL servers.


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Vulcan,  I think USMC has an Anti Cheat script.


My Idea, is to have Marik stats server track down people with those user modified config files, keep a close eye on them, and if we find that they are cheating,  INSTANT IP banning on every international Flashpoint server, no questions asked.

I don't think you realise that 99% of those modified config files are caused by addons and patches changing the configs. The only ones I know of that could raise red flags about cheating are modified Data.p3d files (Maybe some other ones, Cfg/Weapons). Cfg/Aircraft, wrp/wrptrinity and stuff like that are not files that have been hacked for use in cheat.

PS: I dont know the exact names, thats just off the top of my head.  sad_o.gif

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I don't know a lot about scripts etc... but your work is great.go on go on go on!!!

Death to cheaters!!!!

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To be perfectly honest I think it's because ofp has an open architecture. It lends itself to cheating much more aptly than other games. Still I'm glad ofp does have an open architecture. Not because I'm a cheater, but because I'm a tinkerer. I love to modify things and create the ideal game experience. What does fry my arse about cheaters is as soon as you start talking about making a config.bin mod to change the existing weapons. You're branded a cheater. Because of this it's increasingly difficult to acquire the means to do said modifying because everyone is afraid of cheaters... To those paranoid people you're only hurting the innocents as cheaters will always exist. I simply avoid them.

I don't play online for that reason, cheating will always happen and the slightest bit of lag causes my eyes to cross and I start convulsing and foaming at the mouth.

People talk about others going invisible and such. That's not necessarily cheating. I've played on the internet like twice and one of the reasons why I stopped playing is because an opponent would be running and disappear and pop up somewhere here or there and then I'd get my ass shot because the other guy wasn't experiencing it as bad at that time. It sure is annoying but not necessarily a cheat. Such is the perils of internet gameplay. Another misconception might be that someone is using a wall hack because they ran away from an opponent and hid behind a wall and died. As a matter of fact I've seen it happen and have it happen to me where someone or myself lagged out in the open and the avatar on the opposing players screen freezes yet is still shootable, thus my being unaware running to hide behind a building... I die. Stupid lag.

I don't think there are any cheat programs per/se for ofp except jerks who force their drawdistance with riva tuner even though they're a client on a server with a perhaps more conservative one for lag purposes. That is in my opinion cheating. It's bypassing something that was intended to make for evenly balanced gameplay. What people can do is make config.bin mods to modify their client side tanks to fire 50 unkajillion rounds a second and never die. To those people I ask. What possible enjoyment do you derive from cheating? Aside from perhaps being a sadistic shit?

The only advice I can give is play on servers with people you know... despite the fact that listen servers are worse on lag for big games... at least then you can negotiate who plays and who doesn't beforehand.

If you play on public servers, be mindful if someone comes up with the "modified config.bin" warning. Notify an admin if possible I guess. Or simply find another server, It may be disheartening to see that a potential cheater might ruin the game on your favorite server, but playing somewhere else is better than having to contend with someone firing laws faster than a steyr aug with more hitpoints than a m1a1.

Or better yet. If you have the access as I do. Play on a lan or organize lan events with your buddies and just bring your computers all over to a friend's house, get some beers and snacks and make an evening/day/week/month of it. Whichever your pleasing. =P

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Please look at the following threads for testing info on having this script in the server config. It does not work reliably.



















In my experience the above code is not worth using. It overloads the processor on connect and will never catch anyone cheating because it is so unreliable.

Marik did express some interest in working on a script.

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I'm not sure those guys can help. Cheating in ofp is chiefly achieved by exploiting the fact that it's very editable. Besides most of those anti cheat programs come at a cost... usually latency or performance. I don't think that's an acceptable tradeoff personally.

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