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Peeking over rocks, through windows etc.

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Hi there!

I have a suggestion: I really liked the "peeking"-function in Vietcong.

If you were behind a rock or a fallen tree for example when you pressed the right mousebutton, you went up just so far that you could aim your weapon over this object.

This way it didn't really matter how high the object was and it worked while prone or lying down.

This would be especially great if BIS get rid of the clipping-problem in houses and so on. There you could use this function to hide behind windows etc.!



P.S. Sorry for the bad english but I hope you get what I mean

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what if you want lie down, e.g. sniping, then when you aim you suddenly "stand up". + the prone is just like it, hit the "Q" key when lieing

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No, that's not what I mean. You've never played Vietcong, right?

Of course you have your limits while lying down. You could only peek over objects that aren't too high for your current position.

The problem with going prone you can see in the actual OFP. The windows are just a little bit too high if you want to stay in cover while aiming out of them. This problem you wouldn't have with the technique I described.

To make the prone-position usefull, every object you want to peek over while in prone-position has to have the same heigth, doesn't matter if it's a rock, a tree or a window. That's not really realistic, right?

So, a flexible peek-over function depending on the position you're in would be nice ...



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I also thought vietcongs peeking was excellent, wouldbe great in OFP2

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It would be great if you can peek around corners. In OF1 I now have to throw my whole body in view to see what’s around a corner.

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