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Types of addevent handlers

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Well, I kind of thought the addevent handlers saved a lot of scripting space and effieciency..plus you wouldn't have to use precious CPU power by having scripts check a certain thing every few seconds....

I know triggers can help in this too, but can be limited.

I just thought it might be a good idea to come up with some more possible ones that BIS could concider implementing

Just post up what you think could help biggrin.gif

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Just a few i can think of off hand would be for detecting someone/vehicle over land or sea...

Also, I would like to have the ability to pass variables through it too biggrin.gif

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actually I think ofp has very very good eventhandlers, but

they just need some tweeking. For example:

Gear : only executes when gear animation is done, should

        be when the user selects gear up/ down

Fired : needs to be able to return the actual projectile that

        was fired so scripts can getpos missiles, also could be

        used if OFP2 can have animated ammo

Engine: If you are in a car that flips over, the engine actually

         turns on and off many times really fast, so if you use

         it to make an engine startup sound and the car flips

         over, it makes a terrible noise!

new eventhandlers that are needed

reload : plays when the unit reloads its weapon (soldier or


flaps   : So we can have nicely animated flaps for our larger


height : I find that many plane mod scripts rely on height

          so an event handler would save a bunch of getpos


speed : same as above but more useful

Anyways those are my ideas smile.gif

I'm really looking forward to OFP2!!!

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Getin & getout for AI (actually only for vehicle), very useful for manage addaction.

Respawn : you reinstall easily the events

Game events, Sunset, sunrise, rain, etc...

Mission/game event : Briefing, debreifing, start, end

Events with parameters : player addEventHandler ["Speed", > 50 ,{_this exec "exploseTruck.sqs"}], player addEventHandler ["height",==150,{_this exec "EjectSquad.sqs"}], player addEventHandler ["time",>=3600{_this exec "TimeOut.sqs"}], player addEventHandler ["Tick", 100, reset to 0,{_this exec "DisplayScore.sqs"}]

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Would like to see handlers for:

turn in/out

light on/off

switching weapons and putting them on back

getting crouch/prone

and maybe for default actions like "salute" or "sit down"


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PS: You can pass variables to event handlers, as far as I know. Or at least constants, which can be dereferenced.

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nearobject event when it changes

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I'd like either a new event handler or a modification of the hit handler to show where someone is hit.

(I want to make a mod where only head/ torso shots or prolonged bleeding can kill, but limb shots disable)

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I know, how to build in a headshot script into a mission:


Init of soldier:

this AddEventHandler [ "dammaged", { _this exec "hit.sqs" } ];

Create an hit.sqs with this:

_hit = _This Select 1

? _hit == "hlava" : goto "hs"



PlaySound "hs"

hint " H E A D S H O T"

this AddEventHandler [ "dammaged", { _this exec "hit.sqs" } ]


And here is an Headshot sound: http://burnix.piranho.com/hs.ogg

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Eventhandlers with an option to be either global or local (executed on all clients or just on the local client).

Adding EH's to weapon and ammunition classes.

Custom EH's that can be triggered through custom anims..

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EHs for:


(returning: [subject, object])

Simulation Termination

(returning: [subject, _pos, _vel] )

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How about a "Target" event, I would like to add lock-on tones to different missile/gun systems.

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