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Weapon animation

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-Magazine reload.. if possible, mag is visibly taken out and put back in then boltpull. Also for M203 launchers.. animated opening of m203 barrel, insterting grenade, locking barrel.

- Positbility to attach/remove supressors/silencers from weapons

- Possibility to deploy bipod on weapons


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Yeah, make them a bit more accurate than a guy just waving his hand over his gun:

Abracadabra! It's reloaded.

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An animation for bolt-action sniper rifles would be welcome.

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and maybe we could have some recoil this time... specially on MGs

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You can animate all those things right now, you just can't physically remove the mags and so on unless you use the drop command to replace the model and then show it in the hand and so on and so on...

Anyway, I'd like to see it so the animations for holding the weapons are also defined IN the weapon rather than the unit using it, so you can properly hold all weapons, like ones with verticle grips you actually hold the grip and so on. Now you can only set one animation per unit and its stuck with that till you manually change it in the editor or something.

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I just want to have realistic reloading animationin OFP 2 ;) and jaming m16 in battle LOL

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Reload animations are all well and good, but I'm not sure I want an entire battlefield full of intricate animations taking up CPU cycles, particluarly when I'm hardly going to notice my own animations let alone that of the guy next to me.

I'm of the thinking that all this would be a relatively light load on processing and these animations would be cool (especially for cutscenes and such). I'd just like it to be known that I hope it doesn't have an effect on more important aspects of gameplay. smile_o.gif

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I agree with mags and other stuff. I would add a shell ejection on iron sight view.

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Mm well there is already an Shell ejection out there :P

But what I like to see improved it the Iron sight, not by pressing the V or what so ever but something like right mouse butten and that the animation will change so your looking down the sight.. something like in CoD or BIA

As for the removing mags i would like to see it in first person view, other views its oki if its not there

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Mm well there is already an Shell ejection out there :P

But what I like to see improved it the Iron sight, not by pressing the V or what so ever but something like right mouse butten and that the animation will change so your looking down the sight.. something like in CoD or BIA

As for the removing mags i would like to see it in first person view, other views its oki if its not there

1. U can't see the ejection from iron sight view

2. Configure you keyboard - simple as that.

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1. U can't see the ejection from iron sight view

2. Configure you keyboard - simple as that.

ah oki yes true

I know about that but what I mean is a new way of doing so.

So confiigure my keyboard. But i mean the iron sight is now made by an simple plane with a alpha texture. If you ever played CoD before or even MoH you got an animation that slights the weapon closer to your "eye's" so ather that you can look straight down the iron sight and aim on your target.

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I hate the animation to go to the Iron sights view: it's too distraciting. I like the instantaneous switch better.


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Reload animations, while looking nice, eats CPU cycles.

Even worse, they would make it more complicated and more work for mod makers to add new weapons. A lot of OFP's popularity is due to its openness for modding.

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