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Ofp2 - scripter's request

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As we all know, implented script language was what really made OFP such a great game. Some of the most popular multiplayer missions, like Battlefield or Capture the Island (I bet BIS didnt expect that OFP can be turn into a real time strategy?), horde of CTF clones, Coop missions with lots of triggered events, etc. were all made possible with it. But, it took BIS 2 years to implent all that, and many simple things are still damn hard to script. Therefore, and since thers still over a year till OFP2 comes out, thers my little list of things I would like to see in OFP2 from Scripter's point of view:

- object-oriented script language with user-made functions

- 100% server side scripting (script outcome affecting player should be auto transfered to client, no more scripts running on multiple clients at the same time, causing problems at desyncs, etc)

- if 100% server side scripting would noticeable raise the amount of data transfered between server and client, than at least strictly separeted server and client side scripting, with better data channel than simple publicvariable

- C like syntax (not all will agree with me here biggrin.gif)

- multidimensional arrays

- triggers that could be triggered by events, at given time, and will be able to run scripts or call functions

Im sure thers more, but perhaps other guys on the forum can say it?

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okay, i have never seen an addon do this, but can we create a new side? e.g.







If not i would like that implemented.

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