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Exporting from o2 to max

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How do you export a 3ds from o2 into 3dstudiomax5?

I can get O2 to output a .3ds but max throws up an error when i try to import it. What am i doing wrong??

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Well, when i went from o2 to Maya, i used the OBJ format. There is a program named P3dToOBJ.exe, maybe on the ofpec.com sites.

I bet 3dsmax can handle the obj format, if not, the program Anim8tor (freeware, try google.com) will convert it to other formats for you.

Remember, when returning from max to o2, you need to use animator to enable the thing called "Dummy KSData" (under Debug-menu. or else o2 will fail when importing the .3ds file.


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What would be better is being able to export the lod your working on in 3ds format with the mapping still in place, with the paa or pac files also exported, but as tga files. Then you could open that sucker up into Deep Paint, texture away, then be able to import it back into o2 again seamlessly.

I know there are work arounds as well, but this would be a feature that would help quite a bit on the texturing end.

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